Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/An
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- anai-anai
- white ant, termite.
- anak
- a child or offspring or descendant; a small version of.
- memperanakkan: bear, give birth to, treat as one's own child.
- memperanak-anakkan: treat like a little child.
- keanak-anakan: childish, child-like.
- anak-anakan: doll.
- peranakan: (Eurasian) of mixed ethnic origins.
- analisa
- analysis.
- ancam
- threaten.
- terancam: threatened, in danger.
- ancaman: threat.
- anda
- you, your.
- andai
- if.
- andaipun: supposing that.
- andai-andai: supposition.
- seandai; seandainya: supposing or suppose that.
- berandai: suppose.
- berandai-andai: suppose that something might happen, talk hypothetically.
- andaikan: assuming.
- mengandaikan: suppose, assume.
- pengandaian: supposition, assumption.
- andaikata
- supposing that, if.
- andal
- rely on, trade on.
- mengandalkan: rely on, also.
- andalan: mainstay.
- andong
- four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in central Java.
- aneh
- strange, queer, peculiar.
- anehnya: the strange thing is.
- menganehkan: make one consider something strange, be surprising.
- keanehan: oddity, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy.
- aneh-anehan: oddity.
- aneka
- various, diverse, all sorts of.
- keanekaragaman: variety, diversity.
- beraneka: variegated, mixed.
- keanekawarnaan: variety.
- menganekakan: vary, make diverse.
- keanekaan: variety.
- angan
- thought, notion, idea, fantasy, illusion.
- berangan: dream, fantasize, aim, have ideals.
- mengangan; mengangankan: recall, contemplate, imagine.
- terangan: thought, intended.
- anganan: idea, notion.
- anggap
- regarded.
- beranggapan: be of the opinion, have an impression.
- menganggap: regard as, consider, deem.
- anggapan: opinion, belief, judgement, suspicion, hunch, impression.
- anggar
- the fencing.
- menganggar: estimate, calculate.
- menganggarkan: draw up a budget.
- anggaran: estimate.
- penganggaran: budgeting.
- anggota
- member (of an organization), body part, limb, part, component.
- beranggota: have as member.
- beranggotakan: be composed of, have as members.
- keanggotaan: membership.
- anggrek
- orchid.
- angguk
- a nod.
- mengangguk: to nod.
- mengangguk-anggukkan: to nod several times.
- anggur
- to be unemployed, idle, slip, cutting of or from a plant, grape, wine.
- nganggur; menganggur: to be temporarily unoccupied.
- penganggur: unemployed person.
- pengangguran: unemployment, joblessness.
- angin
- wind, air, rumour.
- berangin: windy, have wind circulating.
- berangin-angin: get some fresh air.
- mengangin: become wind, disappear, blow (of wind).
- mengangini: to supply with air.
- mengangin-anginkan: air, aerate, expose to the air.
- memperanginkan: air, aerate.
- angka
- figure, numeral, digit, rate, mark, grade.
- angka-angka: number, statistics, figures.
- mengangkakan: mark, grade (exams, et cetera), number.
- memperangkakan: treat as numbers.
- pengangkaan: numbering.
- perangkaan: statistics.
- angkasa
- sky, heaven, atmosphere, outer space.
- mengangkasa: be airborne, take off, come to the fore.
- mengangkasakan: develop to the fullest.
- angkat
- lift, raise, take away, remove, begin to do something.
- berangkat: leave, depart, set out.
- berangkatnya: departure, leaving.
- memberangkatkan: dispatch, send.
- keberangkatan: departure.
- pemberangkatan: sending off, dispatch.
- mengangkat: lift (up), raise, appoint, designate.
- angkin
- women's waistband.
- angklung
- bamboo musical instrument.
- angkuh
- arrogant.
- angkut
- carry, transport, contain.
- mengangkut: carry, transport, carry away, contain.
- mengangkuti: pick up, collect.
- angkutan: transport, shipment.
- pengangkut: transporter, carrier.
- pengangkutan: transportation.
- angsa
- goose.
- angsur
- move.
- berangsur-angsur: little by little, move forward a little, in installments.
- mengangsur: do gradually, pay in installments, move.
- mengangsuri: pay for something in installments.
- mengangsurkan: order someone to move, pay something in installments, move forward.
- angsuran: installment.
- ani-ani
- small knife used for harvesting rice.
- aniaya
- ill treatment, tyranny, oppression, injustice.
- menganiaya: oppress, torture, beat.
- menganiayai: maltreat, torture, beat, viciously, tyrannize, persecute.
- teraniaya: molested, mistreated.
- penganiaya: tyrant, maltreater.
- penganiayaan: mistreatment, cruel treatment.
- anjing
- dog.
- anjur
- withdraw, stick out, protrude, move on or toward.
- beranjur: withdraw.
- menganjur: stick out, protrude, move on or toward.
- menganjuri: lead (a parade), pioneer, take the initiative.
- menganjurkan: recommend, propose, extend or project something.
- anjuran: proposal, recommendation.
- anoa
- dwarf buffalo.
- antap
- solid, sound.
- antar
- accompany, inter- (used in compounds).
- antar-mengantar: send to everyone, deliver (packages, letters, et cetera).
- mengantar: deliver, bring something, carry, transmit.
- mengantari: bring or send to someone.
- mengantarkan: accompany, bring someone to a destination, see off, introduce.
- antara
- between, in, about (of time), in the meantime.
- antaranya: among (them), between, distance, gap.
- seantara: all around, entirely.
- berantara-antara: at intervals, be at a distance, have an intermediary.
- mengantarai: come or be between, intercede, mediate.
- antarbangsa
- international.
- antariksawan
- male astronaut.
- antariksawati
- female astronaut.
- antarisksawan
- astronaut, cosmonaut.
- Antartika
- Antarctica.
- anti
- be opposed to, anti, resistant to.
- antik
- antique.
- anting
- earring, pendant.
- anting-anting: earring, pendant, pendulum of clock.
- menganting: dangle, sway, swing.
- antisipasi
- anticipation.
- mengantisipasi: to anticipate.
- antre
- stand in line, queue up.
- antrean: a queue.
- antre-antrean: queuing up.
- antri
- stand in line, queue up.
- antusias
- enthusiastic.
- antusiasme
- enthusiasm.
- anu
- whatchumacallit, what's-his-name, ah-h-h (hesitation form), (Mathematics) unknown quantity, say, by the way.
- anugerah
- boon, gift.
- anumerta
- posthumous.
- anut
- attentive, meek, pliant.
- menganut; menganuti: follow, submit to, practice, profess (a religion).
- anutan: adherence, conviction, belief, fad.
- penganut: follower.
- penganutan: taking up (a religion or philosophy).