Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ba
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- bab
- chapter.
- baba
- father, old man.
- babak
- episode or act in a play, phase, stage.
- babas
- struck off, knocked off.
- terbabas: struck off, knocked off, drifted off.
- babat
- group, category, cut away, cut clean; clear away; give a blow.
- membabat: cut away, cut (hew) open, cut clean, mow, dress up, bandage; cut through (jungle grass, et cetera).
- sebabat: similar, congener, kind.
- pembabatan: clearing away.
- mengbabatkan: give a blow, strike with something.
- babatan: a lateral blow, swipe (of a sword).
- babi
- pig, hog.
- membabi-buta: to run around like a blind pig.
- babi rusa
- a deer like pig, deer hog.
- babil
- quarrelsome.
- berbabil: squabble, quarrel.
- perbabilan: squabble, row, quarrel, ruckus.
- babirusa
- deer-pig — a mammal species that can only be found in Sulawesi. It looks like a hog and a deer.
- babit
- involve, implicate.
- membabitkan: involve, implicate someone.
- terbabit: involved, implicated.
- babu
- a domestic servant, a maid.
- membabu: to work as a maid.
- membabukan: place someone as a maid.
- memperbabu: to treat someone as a maid.
- babut
- rug, carpet.
- membabuti: to put carpet (in the room).
- baca
- read.
- membaca: read.
- membacakan: read aloud, read for someone.
- bacaan: a reading.
- pembaca: a person or a thing that reads.
- pembacaan: a reading (out loud, especially in formal circumstances).
- badai
- sudden storm.
- badak
- rhinoceros, hippo, hippopotamus.
- badal
- representative, substitute, assistant.
- badan
- body, organizational body, group, agency.
- berbadan: have a body.
- badani
- physical, bodily.
- kebadanian: physical matters.
- badik
- a small dagger.
- Badui
- an aboriginal group in West Java.
- badut
- clown.
- membadut: act like a clown.
- membaduti: pretend to be oneself.
- kebadutan: clowning, buffoonery, ridicule, absurdity, ridiculousness.
- badutan: laughing stock, butt (of jokes).
- badut-badutan: be a smart aleck or alec.
- pembadutan: clowning, buffoonery.
- bagai
- like, as if.
- sebagai: as, like.
- berbagai: various.
- berbagai-bagai: various, all sorts of.
- bagaikan: as if, like, similar to.
- bagaimana
- how, how about it?
- sebagaimana: in the same manner as.
- bagal
- too big, too strong, to much developed, flower-stalk (of coconut), hinny, mule.
- bagan
- draft, blueprint, design, program, schedule, chart; kind of fishing platform.
- membagan: design.
- pembagan: designer.
- bagan-bagan: fish-trap.
- bagas
- sturdy, stalwart, strong, powerful.
- bagasi
- baggage, luggage, luggage rack, (automotive) trunk.
- membagasikan: check baggage or luggage.
- bagi
- for, divide, bahagi.
- berbagi: split up, divisible, shared out.
- membagi: divide, share, distribute.
- membagikan: share, distribute, allot, allocate.
- bagian: part (of something or in something), share, participation, section, division, bahagian.
- sebagian: a part, apart.
- baginda
- His Majesty (for royalty).
- bagus
- fine, good, exemplary.
- bagus-bagus: the majority (of something) being good.
- memperbagus: embellish, beautify, touch up.
- kebagusan: beauty, splendour.
- bagusan: (colloquial) better.
- bahagi
- part, section.
- bahagian: part, section.
- bahagia
- happy, joyful.
- berbahagia: to be happy.
- membahagiakan: to make happy.
- kebahagiaan: happiness, joy.
- bahak
- burst of laughter.
- berbahak: laugh uproariously.
- terbahak-bahak: roar with laughter.
- bahala
- calamities.
- baham
- chew.
- membaham: chew (with closed mouth).
- bahan
- matter, substance, material, cloth, material for producing or making something, object (for discussion, et cetera).
- bahana
- loud noise, din, echo.
- berbahana: sound.
- membahana: echo, reverberate.
- bahar
- large body of water (such as river, sea, large lake), a measure of weight (about 400 lbs or pounds).
- baharu
- (sila lihat baru di halaman ini.)
- bahas
- research, investigation, criticism.
- berbahas: confer.
- membahas: discuss, criticize, examine, investigate.
- bahasan: discussion, criticism.
- pembahas: panelist.
- bahasa
- language, speech; that; a little, slightly.
- berbahasa: speak (such and such a language).
- membahasakan; memperbahasakan: express in language.
- bahasanya: that, namely, the following.
- bahaya
- danger, peril, jeopardy.
- berbahaya: dangerous, hazardous, risky.
- membahayakan: endanger, imperil, threaten.
- bahkan
- in fact, even, moreover, on top of that, on the contrary, indeed.
- bahtera
- (Bible) ark, boat, ship.
- bahu
- shoulder.
- bahwa
- that (subordinating conjunction), bahawa.
- baiat
- (Islam) oath.
- membaiat: take one's oath.
- pembaiatan: oath taking.
- baid
- distant (of relatives).
- baik
- good, fine, kind, healthy.
- baik...maupun: both...and....
- baik-baik: well, carefully, in good condition, good, respectable.
- sebaik: as good as.
- sebaiknya: better, best, preferable or preferably.
- sebaik-baiknya: as well or good as possible.
- berbaik: be kind.
- Bais
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Batan Intelijens Stratejis", or the Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency.
- bait
- house, abode, verse (of a poem), couplet; distich.
- berbait-bait: (Islam) verse, lots and lots.
- baja
- steel, armour, fertilizer.
- berbaja: armoured.
- membaja: become steel, become hard and strong.
- membajakan: harden.
- kebajaan: hardness.
- bajaj
- a two passenger pedicab with motor scooter engine.
- bajak
- plow, bandit, hijack.
- membajak: plow (field), plunder, hijack, illegally produce.
- bajakan: plowing, something pirated, illegal profit.
- baji
- wedge, peg.
- membaji: split something with a wedge, hold together with a peg.
- bajik
- good, wholesome.
- kebajikan: good deeds, benevolent service.
- bajing
- a squirrel.
- bajingan: scoundrel, gangster, a thief.
- baju
- jacket, shirt, blouse, clothing.
- berbaju: wear clothing, wear a jacket, shirt, et cetera.
- bak
- large tank or basin, container, can, ink, like, as.
- baka
- eternal, everlasting; family, descent, line, genetic, origins.
- membakakan: immortalize.
- kebakaan: eternity, durability, perdurance.
- bakal
- future, prospective, in the making, shall, will.
- bakar
- burn, set on fire, roast.
- membakar: burn, set on fire, arouse passions, inflame, bake, roast.
- membakari: burn up.
- terbakar: on fire.
- kebakaran: fire.
- pembakar: burner, arsonist.
- pembakaran: burning, incineration.
- bakat
- talent, aptitude, trace, trail, sign, omen.
- berbakat: talented, gifted, scarred, marked.
- membakat: indicate, impending, imminent.
- bakda
- after, (Java) celebration at the end of the fasting month.
- bakhil
- avaricious, miserly, stingy, close-fisted.
- baki
- small tray; remainder, residue, balance.
- membakikan: set aside, reserve.
- Bakin
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Badan Koodinasi Intelijen Negara", or the State Intelligence Coordinating Agency.
- bakmi
- Chinese noodles.
- Bakorstanas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Badan Koordinasi Bantuan Pemantapan Stabilitas Nasional", or the Coordinating Agency for National Stability.
- bakso
- meatball soup.
- bakti
- the service.
- berbakti: to be loyal, serve devotedly.
- baku
- standard, full fledge (teacher, et cetera), basic.
- membakukan: to standardize.
- kebakuan: standardness.
- pembakuan: standardization.
- bakul
- vendor, large basket.
- bala
- disaster, catastrophe, troops, army.
- balai
- public hall or building, office or bureau, house (of parliament).
- balang
- bottle, recepient, retort, pitcher, a ship (two-master).
- balas
- reply, response.
- berbalas: have a mutual response, respond.
- berbalasan: exchange of replies, gunfire, et cetera.
- membalas: answer, reply, repay, reward, avenge.
- membalasi: reply to, reward.
- membalaskan: avenge.
- balasan: answer, response, revenge, retaliation.
- balatentara
- troops.
- bale
- bench.
- Bali
- a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Bali. Its capital city is Denpasar, an island of Indonesia located between Java and Lombok.
- balik
- return, behind, the reverse, the contrary, again.
- sebalik: the opposite.
- sebaliknya: on the contrary.
- berbalik: turn over, change, turn around, turn back, return, reflect, keep turning.
- berbalikan: be the opposite.
- membalik: turn around.
- baling
- propeller.
- baling-baling: propeller.
- balkon
- balcony, (railroad) platform.
- balok
- beam, crossbar, joint, girder, bar (as in military insignia, line drawn, et cetera).
- balokan: something produced in bars.
- balon
- balloon.
- balong
- fishpond, puddle, mud hole, pond, pool.
- balsam
- balsam, ointment.
- membalsam: apply balsam.
- pembalsaman: embalming.
- balsem
- (sila lihat balsam di halaman ini.)
- balur
- jerky, dried meat, thick skin around neck (of certain animals).
- membalurkan: spread, smear, coat.
- balut
- bandage, dressing, wrapping.
- membalut: to dress (with a bandage).
- berbalut: wrapped, bandaged.
- membaluti: wrap, dress (a wound).
- membalutkan: put something on as a bandage, wrap for someone.
- balutan: bandage, dressing, packing, wrapping.
- bambang
- vast, extensive; elope.
- bersebambangan: extended, spread out (of area), act big.
- terbambang: extend, be displayed.
- sebambang: elope.
- membambang: elope, run off with a willing girl.
- bambu
- bamboo.
- ban
- tire (of an automobile).
- bancar
- flowing copiously.
- banci
- transvestite man, usually behaving in an effeminate manner, powerless.
- membancikan: to render powerless, emasculate.
- bancuh
- mixed up, confused.
- membancuhi: mix something with.
- membancuhkan: mix, blend.
- bancuhan: mixture, blend.
- band
- band, radio band.
- Banda
- one of the islands in the eastern part of the Indonesian archipelago, belonging to the Province of Maluku. It is also known as Ceram or Seram.
- Banda Aceh
- capital city of the Special Region of Aceh in Indonesia.
- bandar
- harbour, port, place for docking (of ship, airplane, et cetera); ditch, drain, water channel.
- bandar udara
- airport, lapangan terbang.
- bandara
- a contraction of or for "bandar udara", or the airport, lapangan terbang (digunakan sebagai nama khas).
- bandel
- stubborn, obstinate, undisciplined.
- membandel: to be naughty.
- kebandelan: naughtiness, obstinacy.
- bandes
- a syllabic abbreviation of or a contraction for "Bantuan Desa", a village assistance program created by the government under Suharto to supply agricultural goods to the villages; also a syllabic abbreviation of or a contraction for "Pembangunan Desa", a rural development body.
- banding
- equivalent, equal.
- sebanding: comparable to, equal to.
- membandingkan; memperbandingkan: to compare something with something else.
- bandingan: comparison.
- pembandingan: act of comparing.
- perbandingan: comparison.
- bandit
- gangster, bandit, scoundrel, villain.
- membandit: commit a heinous crime.
- kebanditan: banditry, gangsterism.
- Bandung
- capital city of the Province of Western Java in Indonesia.
- bang
- (sila lihat: abang.)
- bangai
- neglected, given up.
- terbangai: neglected, given up.
- bangau
- egret or heron (a kind of bird).
- banget
- (Java) very, excessively.
- kebangetan: excessively, terribly, overly.
- bangga
- proud (of something).
- berbangga: to be proud of something.
- kebanggaan: something of which one is proud.
- bangkai
- carcass.
- bangkang
- rebel, resist, oppose.
- membangkang: rebel, resist, oppose.
- membangkangi: rebel against, resist something.
- pembangkang: rebel, resister, dissident, intractable person, insubordinate person.
- pembangkangan: insubordination, disobedience, rebelliousness, protest.
- bangkar
- tough and stiff, coarse, rigid.
- bangkit
- get up, arise from a reclining position.
- membangkit: cause to arise, encourage, to arise.
- membangkitkan: rise, arouse, provoke.
- kebangkitan: awakening, arousal.
- bangkrut
- bankrupt.
- bangku
- bench, seat.
- bangsa
- nation, people, race.
- kebangsaan: nationality, nationalism, nationalist, national.
- berkebangsaan: have the nationality of....
- bangsai
- rotten, fragile, brittle, thin, frail.
- bangsal
- shed, warehouse, public building, market stalls, ward, emergency housing, lean-to.
- bangsat
- rascal, scoundrel, a miserably poor person.
- bangsawan
- a person of the nobility or aristocracy.
- bangun
- wake up, get up.
- berbangun: get up.
- membangun: build, construct.
- membangunkan: wake someone up, build, erect.
- terbangun: awaken (suddenly).
- bangunan: building, structure, construction.
- pembangunan: (re)construction, development.
- banjar
- series, train of events, line, row.
- sebanjar: of the same row, line, series.
- berbanjar-banjar; berbanjaran: form a line, line up.
- membanjarkan: line up, arrange in rows.
- banjaran: line, row, file.
- Banjarmasin
- capital city of the Province of Southern Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the Island of Kalimantan.
- banjir
- flood, deluge.
- membanjir: in floods, in a large quantity.
- membanjiri: flood, overwhelm.
- kebanjiran: flooded, overwhelmed.
- pembanjiran: flooding.
- banner
- sticker.
- bantah
- to say something by way of disagreement.
- berbantah: to disagree or dispute.
- membantah: to take opposition.
- membantahi: to refute, argue against.
- membantahkan: to dispute something.
- bantahan: protest.
- bantai
- slaughter.
- bantal
- pillow, cushion.
- berbantal: sleep with someone or share someone's bed, use as a pillow.
- bantalan: bolster, cushion, pillow.
- banteng
- wild bull.
- banter
- fast, quick, rapid.
- banting
- throw down forcefully.
- bantu
- assist.
- membantu: help, aid, assist, support, back up.
- bantuan: aid, help, assistance.
- pembantu: helper, assistant, domestic servant.
- pembantuan: provision of assistance.
- banyak
- many, much.
- banyaknya: amount, quantity, number.
- sebanyak: as many as, as much as, amounting to.
- sebanyak-banyaknya: as much or many as possible.
- terbanyak: the greatest number.
- kebanyakan: majority, the greater part.
- bapak
- father, form of address for or to an older man, especially as "pak", part of a respectful title for an older man, especially as "pak".
- kebapakan: fatherly, paternal.
- perbapakan: fatherhood.
- Bapeda
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Badan Perencanaan Daerah", or the Agency for Regional Development.
- Bappenas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional", or the National Development Planning Board.
- baptis
- (religion) baptism, the Baptist sect or adherent thereof.
- membaptis; membaptiskan: baptize, convert (to Christianity).
- baptisan: baptism.
- pembaptis: baptism.
- pembaptisan: baptizing, christening.
- bara
- ember, live coal, coal dust, heat, warmth, fire, fervor.
- membara: be aglow, smoulder, blaze, burn.
- membarakan: set ablaze, illuminate, inflame, excite.
- pembaraan: the burning of something.
- perbaraan: brazier, hearth, furnace.
- barak
- barracks, quarantine quarters.
- membarak: quarantine, segregate.
- barakah
- blessed.
- kebarakahan: bliss, blessedness.
- barang
- goods, commodities, object, article, baggage, luggage; any; more or less, approximately.
- barang-barang: belongings, goods, commodities.
- sembarang: any old, just any.
- sembarangan: to do in an offhand manner.
- barangkali
- maybe, perhaps.
- barat
- west, western.
- membarat: to go westward.
- pembaratan: westernization.
- bareng
- (Java) together, together with, with, bersama dengan.
- membarengi: accompany.
- dibarengi: diiringi.
- baret
- beret, laceration, scratch, abration, lacerated, scratched.
- terbaret: scratched.
- barik-barik
- grain (in wood), vein (in marble), spotted (of eggshell).
- berbarik-barik: veined, grained.
- baring
- lie down.
- berbaring: to lie down.
- terbaring: lying.
- berbaring-baring: resting, lying down.
- baris
- line, row.
- berbaris: to be in a line or row.
- membariskan: arrange in rows.
- barisan: the ranks, the front.
- Barnas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or a contraction for "Barisan Nasional", a new political party formed in 1998AD by Kemal Idris, a retired army.
- baru
- new, recent, modern, just, only so much up to now, only now, just at a certain time, not until, only then.
- membarui; memperbarui: modernize, renovate, remodel.
- terbaru: newest.
- pembaruan: modernization, renovation, remodeling.
- barusan
- (colloquial) just, just now.
- barut
- bandage, dressing, diaper.
- membarut: dress, bandage (a wound, et cetera), swathe, bind up (a baby); scrub, clean, polish wipe (floors et cetera), grease.
- pembarut: bandage, dressing.
- pembarutan: bandaging, dressing (of wounds).
- barzarkh
- (Islam) the place and time between death and the Last Judgement.
- basa-basi
- conventional phrase of greeting et cetera, conventionality, good manners, courtesy, politeness.
- berbasa-basi: be courteous.
- basah
- wet, soaked, fresh (not dried).
- membasah: become moist.
- membasahi: dampen, moisten.
- kebasahan: wetness, dampness, to become soaked with water.
- pembasahan: moistening, dampening.
- basi
- spoiled, stale, out-of-date, not topical.
- membasikan: let spoil, let go to waste.
- baskom
- washbasin.
- basuh
- washing.
- membasuh: wash (hands, clothes, dishes).
- pembasuh: cleansing material, washer.
- pembasuhan: washing.
- batak
- people of North Sumatra; vagabond, adventurer.
- membatak: rob, plunder, wander, roam.
- pembatak: robber, plunderer, adventurer.
- batako
- concrete brick.
- batal
- cancelled, null, void.
- membatalkan: cancel. revoke, rescind.
- kebatalan: nullification.
- pembatalan: cancellation, annulment, renunciation.
- batalion
- (sila lihat batalyon di halaman ini.)
- batalyon
- (military) battalion.
- batang
- stem, stalk, stick, pole, shaft, trunk (of tree), classifier for oblong or long objects, cylindrical objects, a dead body.
- berbatang: have a certain kind of stem.
- membatang: erect, become stiff.
- batangan: barrier, crossbeam, bar.
- batas
- limit, border.
- berbatasan: border on, be adjacent to.
- membatasi: limit, restrict.
- batasan: border, boundary, limitation, restriction.
- pembatasan: restriction.
- perbatasan: border, division.
- batik
- cotton cloth colored (traditionally) by means of a wax-dye method to form intricate patterns, kind of color-patterned cotton cloth.
- membatik: do batik work.
- pembatik: someone who makes batik.
- batin
- inner, spiritual, mind, heart.
- berbatin: mull over.
- membatin: say to oneself.
- membatinkan: keep to oneself, keep secret.
- kebatinan: mysticism, spiritualism, spirit.
- pembatinan: inner meditations.
- batu
- stone.
- berbatu: to be rocky.
- membatu: fossilize, petrify, harden.
- pembatuan: fossilization.
- pebatuan; perbatuan: a rocky place.
- batuk
- cough, to cough.
- bau
- scent, smell, aroma, odor, unpleasant odor, stench, stink.
- berbau: give off an odor.
- membau: smell a rat, suspect something is wrong.
- membaui: smell something, to give a smell to something.
- baur
- socialize, mix.
- berbaur; berbauran: be mixed, socialize, live together.
- membaur: diffuse, assimilate.
- membauri: mix into.
- membaurkan: mix something.
- bawa
- bring, bring along.
- membawa: carry, bring, take along.
- membawakan: bring something for someone.
- terbawa: taken along (accidentally).
- bawah
- under, beneath.
- membawahi: be under or beneath, supervise, have under.
- membawahkan: be in charge of, supervise.
- bawahan: subordinate, underling.
- bawang
- onion.
- baya
- old.
- sebaya: of the same age.
- bayam
- spinach.
- bayang
- shadow, image.
- membayangkan: reflect an image, imagine, call to mind.
- terbayang: be visible or imagined.
- bayangan: shadow, imagination, apparition.
- bayar
- pay.
- membayar: pay, pay for.
- bayaran: payment.
- pembayar: payer.
- pembayaran: payment.
- bayi
- baby.