Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ca
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- cabai
- red pepper, chilli.
- kecabaian: feel hot about the lips from chillies.
- cabang
- branch, bough, branch (of an office, department, et cetera), subsidiary, chapter, affiliate (of an organization).
- bercabang: to have branches.
- cabar
- cowardly, timorous, discouraged, dejected, careless, unheeding.
- mencabarkan: discourage, frighten.
- kecabaran: discouragement.
- cabik
- torn, ripped, piece, strip.
- mencabik: repeatedly tear at.
- mencabikkan: rip, lacerate.
- tercabik: be torn, shredded.
- pencabikan: laceration.
- cabir
- long rip or tear.
- bercabiran: in tatters, in shreds.
- cabul
- indecent, pornographic.
- bercabul: have illicit sexual relations, rage, spread (epidemics).
- mencabuli: rape, violate, transgress.
- tercabuli: get raped or violated.
- kecabulan: lewdness, obscenity.
- pencabulan: violation, outrage.
- percabulan: indecent activities (adultery, exhibitionism, et cetera).
- cabut
- yank out, withdraw.
- bercabut: drawn, unsheathed.
- mencabut: draw out, extract, revoke, unsheath.
- tercabut: yanked out, forcibly removed, uprooted.
- cacah
- number, amount; cut up.
- cacahan: digital.
- pencacah: census; someone or something that chops.
- pencacahan: census taking.
- mencacah: chop something into fine bits, mince (meat, shrimp, et cetera), chop up food for animals.
- cacak
- vertical, upright, perpendicular; pinch, steal, swipe; (Javanese) elder brother, form of address to elder man — especially used in East Java, comrade, buddy.
- mencacak: be upright, stand upright, stand something upright, stick into (the ground).
- mencacakkan: erect (a statue, et cetera).
- cacap
- hair remedy (to ensure growth).
- mencacap: treat hair with such a remedy.
- mencacapi: flood, inundate.
- cacar
- pustular, skin eruption, smallpox.
- bercacar: vaccinated.
- mencacar: vaccinate.
- pencacaran: vaccination, vaccinating.
- cacat
- physical defect, shortcoming, imperfection.
- caci
- abuse verbally.
- mencacimaki: taunt with vile language, heap on curses.
- cacimakian: vile language used to insult someone.
- bercaci-cacian: scold everyone with strong language.
- mencaci: scorn, jeer at, ridicule, curse out, swear at.
- cacian: scornful, vile remarks.
- cadang
- spare part.
- bercadang: ready, prepared.
- mencadangkan: reserve, plan something, suggest, propose.
- cadangan: reserve, backup, spare, a vote.
- pencadang: proposer (of a motion).
- cadar
- veil (usually worn by Islamic women, bride, et cetera).
- cagar
- security, guarantee, pledge, preserve.
- cahari
- (sila lihat cari di halaman ini.)
- cahaya
- light, radiance.
- cair
- liquid, fluid.
- mencair: liquefy, melt.
- mencairkan: cause something to become liquid, to make something solvent (especially finances, a problem), to withdraw money from a bank account.
- cakap
- words, statement; able, capable, adroit, clever, good-looking.
- bercakap: to speak or talk; to be able, capable.
- bercakap-cakap: to be engaged in a conversation, to chat.
- mencakapkan: to discuss something.
- percakapan: conversation, discussion.
- cakar
- claw, talon (of birds), paw, scratch, rasp, file.
- bersicakar: claw at everyone.
- bercakar-cakaran: scratch everyone with claws, fight, quarrel, engage in polemics.
- mencakar: claw, scratch, scrape.
- mencakarkan: scratch, scrape after something.
- tercakar: get clawed.
- cakaran: scratches, clawing.
- cakar-cakaran: have a violent argument with someone.
- pencakar: scraper, rasp.
- cakep
- (sila lihat cakap di halaman ini.)
- cakrawala
- the heavenly firmament, the sky.
- cakrawati
- rule, sway.
- cakup
- include.
- mencakup: catch with the mouth, snap at, embrace, entail, include.
- tercakup: rounded up, caught up, embroiled in, covered, protected.
- calak
- superimposed (of one color on another); (Minangkabau) sharp-tongue, glib; (Java) one who performs traditional circumcision.
- calang
- bare, almost leafless, unadorned (of furniture).
- calo
- passenger recruiter for public vehicle, ticket scalper.
- calon
- candidate, aspirant, applicant, recruit.
- mencalonkan: to nominate.
- pencalonan: nomination.
- camar
- seagull, tern.
- camat
- subdistrict head.
- kecamatan: subdistrict.
- cambang
- side whiskers.
- cambuk
- whip.
- mencambuk: to whip.
- campak
- throw, toss, dispose of, measles.
- mencampakkan: throw, toss carelessly.
- tercampak: be thrown out, regarded as useless.
- campur
- mixed, mingled, blended.
- bercampur: to mix with, associate with.
- mencampuri: to mix into.
- mencampurkan: to mix something into something else.
- campuran: alloy, mixture.
- canda
- joke.
- bercanda: to joke around.
- candi
- Hindu or Buddhist temple.
- candra
- moon.
- candu
- opium.
- mencandu: to smoke opium.
- canggih
- sophisticated.
- canggung
- clumsy, awkward, gauche, ill at ease, bashful, ill-mannered, insufficient, inadequate.
- mencanggungkan: caused awkwardness.
- kecanggungan: clumsiness, waywardness.
- cangkan
- be standing on end; tie up.
- tercangkan: be standing on end; be tied.
- mencangkan; nycangkan: tie up, put on a leash.
- mencangkankan: tie to something else, tether.
- cangkir
- cup.
- cangkul
- hoe or mattock (a farm implement that is a combination of a hoe and a spade).
- mencangkul: to hoe.
- cantik
- pretty, beautiful.
- mempercantik: to make beautiful, to beautify.
- kecantikan: beauty.
- canting
- small dipper used to apply wax in batik process, bamboo water scoop.
- cantum
- graft.
- bercantum: joined together.
- mencantum: fuse, close, bring together.
- mencantumi: add on to.
- mencantumkan: include.
- cantuman: something added, attached.
- pencantuman: inclusion, incorporation.
- cap
- stamp, seal, trade mark, brand name.
- capai
- reach out and touch, achieve, attain; tired, exhausted, weary.
- mencapai: reach out and touch, achieve, attain.
- tercapai: reached, achieved.
- pencapaian: achievement.
- kecapaian: weariness, fatigue or fatigued, worn out.
- capek
- tired.
- capres
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "calon presiden", or the presidential candidate.
- capung
- dragonfly.
- cara
- manner, style, fashion, tradition, method.
- secara: in a manner of, according to, in accordance with.
- caraka
- envoy.
- cari
- look for.
- mencari: seek, hunt for, look for.
- mencarikan: look for or seek something for someone.
- pencarian: livelihood, income, quest.
- carik
- piece (of paper, et cetera).
- carut
- obscene, filthy (of speech).
- bercarut; mencarut: use foul language, utter obscenities.
- cat
- paint, tint, tinge.
- bercat: painted.
- mencat; mengecat: paint or colour something.
- pengecatan; pencatan: painting, paint job.
- catat
- record, note.
- mencatat: make a note of, record, register, chalk up.
- mencatatkan: note something down.
- tercatat: noted down, recorded.
- catatan: notes, document, records.
- catur
- chess.
- cawan
- cup, small bowl.
- cawapres
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "calon wakil presiden", or the vice-presidential candidate.