Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Co
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- coang
- protrude, stick out.
- bercoang; bercoangan; mencoang: protrude, stick up.
- mencoangkan: stick something upward.
- coba
- try, make an attempt, try something out, (colloquial) please.
- mencoba: try, attempt to, test something.
- cobaan: test, trial, attempt.
- percobaan: experiment, trial run.
- coblos
- perforate, punch a hole, vote by punching ballot.
- mencoblos: to vote.
- cocok
- agree with, suitable, compatible, correct, exact.
- mencocokkan: compare, check, adjust, correct, synchronize.
- kecocokan: agreement, harmony, compatibility.
- pencocokan: verification.
- cogok
- stand erect.
- cokelat
- the colour brown, chocolate, the preferred spelling of "coklat".
- coklat
- (sila lihat cokelat di halaman ini.)
- cokol
- settle, reside, squat, extant.
- bercokol: settle or reside in a place, be in existence.
- mencokol: occupy, be headquartered.
- colak-colek
- touch or pinch softly.
- colek
- touch lightly with the fingertips and pinch.
- secolek: a pinch, dash (of salt, et cetera), dab, pat (of butter, et cetera).
- mencolek: take a small piece of something, squeeze, press, embrace, remove, dig out (wax from ear, thorn from foot, et cetera).
- colok
- thrust, pierce into a hole.
- colt
- a generic term for a kind of minibus used for carrying passengers.
- comblang
- matchmaker, go-between, (slang) pimp or procurer.
- mak comblang: matchmaker.
- comek
- a small goatee just beneath the lower lip; a kind of cuttlefish.
- comel
- grumbling, nagging; dainty, exquisite, winsome, pretty.
- mencomel: grumble, grouse, nag.
- mencomeli: scold, rebuke, reprimand.
- pencomel: grumbler, complainer.
- comot
- grimy, dirty, filty; seize, nab, grab, hold.
- bercomot: be dirty, grimy.
- mencomot; nycomot: seize, nab, grab, hold, snatch off, pick.
- menycomoti; nycomoti: snatch something, steal.
- mencomotkan: steal on behalf of someone.
- comotan: stolen goods, whatever one pick up.
- compang-camping
- in tatters, rags.
- compeng
- torn on edge.
- condong
- inclined, to set (of Sun).
- Conefo
- (English) a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Conference of New Emerging Forces", that is to say in the Indonesian language, it is interpreted as "Konferensi Kekuatan Baru".
- congkak
- proud, arrogant, snooty; cowrie shell, which is a kind of board game with receptacles often played with shells as markers.
- mencongkak: hold up the head arrogantly.
- kecongkakan: pride, arrogance, haughtiness.
- conteng
- smear, stain, blemish.
- berconteng-conteng: be smeared.
- menconteng-conteng: smear, stain (with paint, charcoal, et cetera).
- mencontengkan: smear, stain.
- contoh
- specimen, sample, model, example, pattern.
- mencontoh: copy, imitate.
- mencontohi: give something as an example.
- mencontohkan: show by example.
- percontohan: sample, model.
- copet
- pickpocket.
- mencopet; mencopeti: to pick someone's pocket.
- kecopetan: to be the victim of pickpocketing.
- pencopet: a pickpocket.
- copot
- dislodged, broken off, detached, loosened.
- mencopot: take off, remove, pull out, take away.
- mencopoti: take off something repeatedly.
- corak
- design, motif, pattern.
- bercorak: to have a design, motif, or pattern.
- coreng
- scratch, streak, smear.
- bercoreng-moreng: be filled with many dirty marks and streaks.
- bercoreng: streaked, stripped.
- mencoreng: cross out, draw lines over, streak something.
- mencorengi: scratch repeatedly.
- mencorengkan: streak or scrape something on.
- corengan: scratch, streak, smear (of lipstick).
- coret
- scratch, streak, smear.
- mencoret: scratch, streak.
- mencoretkan: scrape something on something else.
- coretan: scratch, line, stripe.
- pencoretan: removal, eradication, scratching out.
- corong
- microphone.
- cotok
- beak, bill.
- mencotok: peck at.
- cowok
- (colloquial) young guy, boyfriend.
- kecowok-cowokan: to act like a boy (said of girls).