Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Di
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- di
- at, on, in (a location), passive verbal prefix.
- dia
- he or she (third-person singular neuter pronoun).
- diam
- silent, be quiet, motionless, idle; to reside, inhabit.
- berdiam: be silent, say nothing; reside.
- pendiam: a person who is naturally quiet.
- kediaman: residence.
- diang
- warm oneself near the fire (especially after childbirth).
- berdiang: warm oneself near the fire.
- mendiangkan: warm, heat, roast.
- pendiangan: fireplace.
- didih
- boil, rage.
- mendidih: boil, rage.
- mendidihkan: to boil something.
- didik
- educate.
- mendidik: educate, raise, bring up.
- mendidikkan: teach or practice something.
- terdidik: educated.
- pendidikan: education.
- dik
- (sila lihat: adik.)
- dikir
- (Islam) repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith, often in unison, as a form of worship.
- berdikir: (Islam) chant repeatedly the confession of faith.
- mendikirkan: chant something in praise of God.
- pendikir: someone who chants phrases in God's praise.
- dikit
- (Jakarta, dialect) little, small.
- sedikit: (sila lihat: sedikit.)
- sedikit-dikitnya: at the least.
- Dili
- the capital city of the Province of East Timor in Indonesia.
- dimaksudkan
- intended for something, meant, intended; (sila lihat juga: maksud).
- dinamika
- dynamics.
- dinamika kelompok: group dynamics.
- dinas
- official (government), agency, department, government service, official duty, church service.
- berdinas: serve in a certain office.
- mendinaskan: put someone into service.
- kedinasan: service.
- dinda
- (sila lihat: adinda.)
- dinding
- interior wall, partition, butress.
- berdinding: have a wall or partition.
- berdindingkan: walled with something.
- mendindingkan: use as a wall.
- dingin
- cold.
- mendinginkan: chill something, calm someone down.
- kedinginan: coldness, be very cold, too cold.
- pendingin: cooler, one who soothes away problems.
- dini
- early, early morning, premature, dinihari (antara pukul tiga hingga pukul lima pagi), pagi-pagi benar.
- sedini-dini: the earliest.
- sedini mungkin: as soon as possible.
- diplomasi
- diplomacy.
- berdiplomasi: be diplomatic, engage in diplomacy.
- diplomatis
- diplomatic.
- direksi
- management, administration.
- direktur
- director, pengarah.
- dirgantara
- sky, aerospace, upper atmosphere.
- kedirgantaraan: aerospace affairs.
- diri
- self; stand.
- berdiri: stand, exist.
- mendirikan: cause to stand up, build, erect (a building), found, establish.
- terdiri: suddenly stand up, consist of.
- pendirian: building, founding, standpoint, convictions.
- Dirjen
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Direktur Jendral", or the Director General.
- Dirut
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Direktur Utama", or the Chairman of the Board.
- disentri
- dysentery.
- disintegrasi
- organizational disintegration (of parties, cabinets, et cetera).
- diskusi
- discussion, perbincangan, perbualan.
- dispensasi
- dispensation, exemption (from tax, et cetera).
- distribusi
- distribution.
- mendistribusikan: distribute, allocate something.
- pendistribusian: distributing.
- distrik
- district, daerah.
- an acronym of or for "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta", or the Yogyakarta Special Province. In other words, it is a special region of Yogyakarta.