Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Du
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- dua
- two.
- menduahatikan: arouse hesitation, doubt.
- menduakalikan: double something.
- kemenduaan: indecisiveness.
- dubang
- spittle.
- Dubes
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Duta Besar", meaning ambassador.
- duda
- widower.
- menduda: a widower.
- duduk
- sit, live, reside.
- berduduk: be seated.
- menduduki: sit on, occupy a territory.
- mendudukkan: seat someone.
- kedudukan: situation, state, position.
- penduduk: inhabitant.
- duga
- guess, estimate.
- menduga: guess, estimate.
- dugaan: guess, hunch.
- duillah
- (expression) "Good Heavens!".
- duit
- money.
- berduit: well-to-do, wealthy.
- duka
- grief, sorrow.
- berduka: be sad or sorrowful.
- kedukaan: sorrow, misery.
- duka cita: condolences, sorrow, sorry, sadness, grief.
- dukacita
- deep sorrow.
- berdukacita: to grieve deeply.
- duku
- fruit lanseh of lanseh tree.
- dukun
- indigenous medical practitioner, shaman.
- kedukunan: having to do with shamanism.
- dukung
- support.
- berdukung: to be carried on the back or hip (like a child).
- mendukung: to carry on the back or hip, to support, endorse.
- pendukungan: supporting or endorsing a given side in an issue.
- dulu
- previous, previously, before, before now.
- dungu
- stupid, retarded.
- dunia
- world, (biology) kingdom.
- duplikat
- duplicate, carbon copy.
- an acronym of "Dinas Urusan Perlindungan dan Pelestarian Alam", or the Bureau for the Protection and Preservation of Nature.
- durhaka
- rebellious, impertinent.
- berdurhaka: rebel, be impertinent.
- kedurhakaan: rebelliousness.
- pendurhaka: rebel.
- pendurhakaan: rebellion.
- duri
- thorn, burr, spine, fish bone.
- menduri: sharp, stinging (remarks, et cetera).
- durian
- durian, a kind of large tropical fruit.
- dusta
- lie, falsehood.
- pendusta: liar.
- dusun
- a village far from urban areas.
- pedusunan: the village hinterlands.
- duta
- ambassador, envoy.
- kedutaan: embassy.
- pendutaan: delegation, mission.
- duta besar
- ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary.
- duyun
- to throng, flock, crowd.