Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ga
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- G30S
- an initialism of or a contraction for "Gerakan Tigapuluh September", or the September 30th Movement.
- gabung
- bundle, cluster.
- bergabung: gather together, collected, to merge together.
- menggabungkan: to bundle something together.
- gabus
- kind of tree, the soft wood of which is used as cork, scraper, et cetera; kind of widely eaten freshwater fish.
- menggabus: polish with cork.
- penggabus: abrasive, polisher.
- gadai
- pawning, security.
- menggadai: take something in pawn.
- menggadaikan: pawn something.
- gading
- elephant tusk, ivory, ivory color.
- gadis
- young girl.
- gado
- eat side dishes without rice.
- menggado: eat side dishes without rice, eating only the side dishes.
- gado-gado: a kind of salad eaten with peanut sauce, something consisting of various elements.
- gaduh
- noisy, boisterous, rowdy, tumult.
- bergaduh: make a row, quarrel, fight, be confused, mixed up.
- menggaduh: disturb someone.
- menggaduhkan: disturb, upset, stir someone up, be in commotion over.
- kegaduhan: commotion, tumult, brawl, rumpus.
- pergaduhan: commotion, tumult.
- gaduk
- arrogant, conceited.
- gaet
- hook, snare.
- menggaet: snatch, hook, rake in.
- tergaet: get hooked, get caught up in something.
- gagah
- strong, handsome, brave, heroic.
- gagak
- crow.
- gagal
- fail.
- menggagalkan: to foil, defeat, cause to fail.
- kegagalan: failure.
- gagas
- have an idea.
- gagasan: idea, concept.
- penggagas: creator, conceptor, designer.
- menggagas: have an idea, contribute ideas, impose ideas.
- penggagasan: thinking out of something.
- gaib
- mysterious, inscrutable.
- gairah
- desire, urge, enthusiasm.
- kegairahan: enthusiasm.
- bergairah: urge, emotionally moving, desire.
- menggairahkan: to stir, arouse, emotionally moving.
- gajah
- elephant.
- gaji
- salary, wage.
- gala
- (sila lihat: segala.)
- galah
- pole.
- galak
- fierce, wild.
- menggalakkan: stir up, incite, promote.
- galang
- girder, supporting beam.
- bergalang: use a girder, have a girder as support.
- menggalang: support (one's head, roof, et cetera), give something a firm footing.
- penggalang: one who provides leadership, a boy or girl scout on the second level (age 12 to 15).
- galangan: shipyard, dockyard.
- galau
- hubbub, confusion.
- kegalauan: confusion, hubbub, uproar.
- gali
- dig, dig up, delve, unearth.
- menggali: dig (hole, well, mine, et cetera), dig up (potatoes, et cetera), unearth, discover.
- galian: the result of digging.
- penggalian: quarrying, excavating, digging.
- an acronym of or for "Gerakan Aceh Merdeka", or the Free Aceh Movement.
- gambang
- traditional musical instrument like xylophone.
- gambar
- picture, sketch.
- bergambar: illustrated, have one's picture taken.
- menggambar: draw, make a picture of.
- menggambari: draw a picture on or in, illustrate.
- menggambarkan: explain something by drawing, depict, describe.
- gambaran: illustration, picture of something.
- gambir
- gambier, ingredient used in betel chewing, tanning, and dyeing.
- gambut
- peat moss, turf.
- gamelan
- traditional Javanese, Sundanese, or Balinese orchestra comprised mainly of metallic percussion instruments.
- gampang
- easy.
- ganas
- vicious, savage.
- keganasan: ferocity.
- ganda
- double or several fold.
- gandeng
- side by side, arm in arm.
- bergandengan: side by side, arm in arm.
- menggandeng: pull, tow, hold (hands).
- menggandengkan: link, hook together, join.
- gandengan: connection, link(ing).
- gandrung
- infatuated, in love, crazy about, devoted to a cause.
- menggandrungi: enamored of, infatuated with.
- kegandrungan: love, infatuation, craze for.
- gang
- alley, narrow street, gang (of thieves, et cetera).
- ganggu
- disturb, annoy.
- mengganggu: disturb, annoy, interfere with.
- terganggu: disturbed, annoyed.
- gangguan: disturbance, interference.
- pengganggu: meddler, intruder.
- penggangguan: teasing.
- ganja
- marijuana, hashish.
- ganjil
- uneven, odd numbers, queer, odd, abnormal.
- keganjilan: strangeness, peculiar nature.
- ganteng
- handsome, dashing.
- ganti
- substitute, replacement, change.
- berganti: change (name, clothes, et cetera).
- bergantian: by turns.
- mengganti: replace, substitute for, make up for.
- menggantikan: function as a replacement, substitute for someone or something else.
- pengganti: a substitute.
- gantung
- hang.
- bergantung: hang, depend upon.
- menggantung: hang (a person), hang up (clothes).
- menggantungkan: hang something, make something dependent.
- tergantung: suspended, be hanging on, dependent.
- ganyang
- eat raw, devour, smash, crush, eliminate.
- mengganyang: eat raw, devour, smash, crush, eliminate.
- terganyang: devoured, smashed.
- pengganyang: destroyer, demolisher.
- gapai
- reach for.
- menggapai: reach for, extend the hand for, grasp after, wave (one's hand) to, achieve, attain.
- gara-gara
- turbulence, trouble, just because, (Javanese) scene in traditional wayang depicting turbulence and war.
- garam
- salt, experience, effectiveness (in idioms).
- bergaram: salted, be effective.
- menggarami: salt something, make worse.
- garang
- fierce, aggressive.
- garap
- work on.
- menggarap: work on.
- menggarapkan: work on behalf of someone.
- digarap: worked on.
- garasi
- garage.
- garderobe
- (Dutch) cloakroom.
- garing
- dry and crispy, crunchy, cool (of a relationship).
- menggaringkan: make something crisp and dry.
- garis
- line.
- bergaris: lined (of paper).
- bergaris-garis: decorated with lines.
- menggaris: scratch, draw lines, rule (a page), be a thin line.
- menggarisi: draw a line on.
- menggariskan: underline, underscore something, trace the lines of, outline.
- tergaris: be scratched into something.
- garisan: ruler, line etched or drawn.
- penggaris: ruler.
- pegarisan: indication by lines.
- penggarisan: drawing lines, line, policies set.
- garisbawah
- underlining.
- menggarisbawahi: underline, underscore (word, sentence, et cetera), emphasise.
- penggarisbawahan: underlining, underscoring, emphasising.
- garpu
- fork.
- Garuda
- a mythical bird (the vehicle of the Hindu god Vishnu), the national symbol of the Republic of Indonesia, name of an Indonesian airline.
- garuk
- scratch, scrape, clean out.
- menggaruk: scratching.
- menggarukkan: scratch or scrape with.
- gas alam
- natural gas, gas asli.
- gasing
- a top.
- bergasing: to spin a top.
- gasingan: a spin of a top.
- gatal
- itch.
- kegatalan: itchiness.
- gaul
- associate.
- bergaul: to associate with, to chum around with.
- pergaulan: association, social intercourse.
- gaun
- gown, women's dress.
- bergaun: have or wear a gown.
- gaun rumah: housecoat.
- gaun tidur: nightgown.
- gaun pengantin: wedding gown.
- gaung
- echo, reverberate.
- bergaung: echo.
- gawang
- gate, (sport) goal posts, hurdles.
- gawang-gawangan: (sport) wicket.
- gawat
- critical, serious, grave, dangerous, risky, bad, terrible.
- menggawat: be critical, be grave.
- menggawatkan: endanger, render critical.
- kegawatan: criticalness, danger, gravity.
- gaya
- energy, force, style, manner of doing something.
- menggaya: encourage, act smart, affected.
- gayung
- water dipper.
- gayut
- swing, hang.
- bergayut: hang, swing.
- bergayutan: swing (of several people or things).
- menggayut: be hanging.
- menggayuti: hang on to.