Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Hi
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- hias
- decorate, adorn.
- menghiasi: decorate something.
- hiasan: decoration, illustration.
- penghiasan: decorating, ornamentation.
- perhiasan: jewelry, decoration.
- hiba
- (sila lihat: iba.)
- hibah
- bequest, grant, donate.
- menghibahkan: give grant, award, donate.
- hibur
- entertain.
- menghibur: to cheer up, entertain.
- menghiburkan: cheer someone up.
- hiburan: entertainment.
- hidang
- serve, present.
- menghidangkan: serve or present something (food, drink, et cetera).
- hidangan: something served up or presented.
- hidung
- nose.
- hidup
- live, life.
- menghidupkan: bring something to life, turn something on (machine, light).
- kehidupan: life.
- penghidupan: one's livelihood.
- hijau
- green, inexperienced.
- hikmah
- wisdom, philosophy, power.
- hilang
- to be lost, disappear.
- menghilang: to vanish.
- menghilangkan: to make vanish, to erase.
- penghilangan: elimination.
- hilir
- lower course, downstream.
- menghilir: go downstream.
- himbau
- (sila lihat: imbau.)
- himpit
- coincide.
- berhimpit: pressed together, very close together.
- menghimpit: squeeze, press.
- himpun
- assemble, gather.
- berhimpun; menghimpun: assemble, gather.
- himpunan: association, club, collection, compilation.
- hina
- comtemtible, humble.
- menghina: humiliate, insult, offend.
- kehinaan: humbleness, humiliation.
- hindar
- avoid.
- menghindar: pull to one side, avoid (a blow).
- menghindari: avoid something.
- menghindarkan: put something out of the way so that it will be avoided.
- terhindar: spared.
- terhindarkan: can be avoided.
- penghindar: evader.
- Hindu
- Hindu.
- hingga
- until, up to.
- sehingga: until, with the result that.
- hinggap
- perch, alight, attack (of disease, infection, et cetera).
- menghinggap; menghinggapi: alight on something.
- hipis
- young Western traveller on a low budget, a style of Western-influenced grooming characterizes by unkempt haick and clothing.
- hipnotis
- hypnotic.
- menghipnotis: hypnotize.
- hirau
- heed, note, pay attention to.
- menghiraukan: pay attention to, notice, heed.
- hiruk-pikuk
- racket, uproar.
- hirup
- draw on, sip at, sniff in, implosive.
- menghirup: draw on, inhale (cigarette, et cetera), slurp up or sip something, sniff in.
- hirupan: whiff, sniff.
- hisap
- (sila lihat: isap.)
- historis
- historic.
- hitam
- black.
- menghitam: become black.
- menghitami: blacken (hair, teeth).
- menghitamkan: blacken (hair, teeth), blacken, denigrate, sully (a reputation).
- kehitaman: blackness.
- hitung
- arithmetic.
- berhitung: to count.
- menghitung: to count or do arithmetic, to consider, to calculate or reckon.
- memperhitungkan: calculate, estimate, take into consideration.
- terhitung: counted, included.
- perhitungan: computation, consideration.
- hiu
- shark, kind of big fish.