Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ja
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- Jabar
- a syllabic abbreviation of or contraction for "Jawa Barat", or the province of West Java.
- jabat
- hand shake.
- sejabat: co-worker of the same status.
- jabatan: function, duty, position, post.
- pejabat: an official.
- penjabatan: office, service.
- jabatan
- appointment, occupation, position in office, jawatan (sila lihat juga jabat di halaman ini).
- jabotabek
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi". Usually referring to the "Greater Jakarta" and three other cities surrounding it.
- jadi
- become, so, therefore, thus, come off, take effect, finished, work as.
- jadinya: outcome.
- sejadinya: as it turns out, just passable (and no better).
- menjadi: become, be, serve as.
- kejadian: incident, event, occurance.
- jadwal
- schedule, chart, list.
- menjadwalkan: schedule something to happen.
- jaga
- guard, watch over, preserve, see to (something).
- menjaga: to guard, watch over, to see to (something).
- penjaga: guard, watchperson.
- jagad
- (sila lihat jagat di halaman ini.)
- jagal
- small-time trader; butcher, slaughterer.
- berjagal: to carry on retail trade in goods, to hawk goods.
- jagalan: miscellaneous wares for sale.
- menjagal: to butcher or slaughter.
- penjagal: butcher, slaughterer.
- pejagalan: slaughterhouse.
- jagat
- world.
- sejagat: universal, world-wide.
- jago
- cock, rooster, champion, athlete.
- menjagoi: root for, cheer, lead, be at the head of.
- menjagokan: to sponsor, to champion.
- kejagoan: prowess.
- jagung
- corn.
- jahanam
- (religion) hell, (vulgar) a strong oath, curse.
- jahat
- bad, wicked, evil.
- berjahat: sin, do wrong, defame, malign, seduce (a female).
- menjahati: do bad things to someone or something, tease.
- menjahatkan: make something look bad, consider someone evil.
- kejahatan: evil, wickedness, felony, crime.
- penjahat: criminal.
- jahe
- ginger.
- jahit
- sewing.
- berjahit; menjahit: sew.
- penjahit: tailor.
- jail
- mischievous, sneaky.
- menjaili: mistreat, pick on someone.
- jaja
- hawk, peddle, vend.
- berjaja; menjaja: hawk, peddle, vend.
- menjajakan: peddle, hawk something.
- jajaan: merchandise that is peddled.
- penjaja: hawker, peddler.
- jajah
- colonise, take over, traverse.
- menjajah: colonise.
- terjajah: colonized.
- jajahan: colony, subjugated territory.
- penjajah: coloniser.
- penjajahan: colonisation.
- jajak
- probe, sound out, fathom, take soundings, plumb.
- menjajaki: probe, sound out.
- penjajakan: sounding out, plumbing.
- perjajakan: measuring, investigation.
- jajan
- a snack.
- jajar
- row, line.
- menjajar: plow.
- menjajarkan: pull or drag something, align.
- jajaran: furrow.
- sejajar: parallel, in a row.
- mensejajari: parallel something.
- mensejajarkan: make something parallel.
- berjajar: in a row or line.
- berjajaran: side by side.
- menjajari: come to the side of.
- jaka
- bachelor.
- keperjakaan: bachelorhood.
- Jakarta
- capital city of the Republic of Indonesia.
- jaket
- jacket, sport coat.
- jaksa
- (legislation, legislative, or legislature) public prosecutor, district attorney.
- kejaksaan: office of the council for the prosecution, attorney, judiciary.
- jakun
- Adam's apple.
- jala
- net, especially a hand-held casting net.
- menjala: fish with a casting net.
- penjala: fishermen who use a casting net.
- jalan
- road, path, street, course to be followed, way, method, manner.
- berjalan: walk, run (of a machine).
- menjalani: walk on, undergo, endure.
- menjalankan: drive (a car, et cetera), start, put into operation or effect.
- perjalanan: trip, journey.
- jalang
- wild, untamed, undomesticated (of animals).
- perempuan jalang: prostitute.
- jalar
- creeping.
- menjalar; berjalar: spread over, crawl, creep.
- jalin
- weave, entwine.
- berjalin: tied together.
- berjalin-jalin: complicated, intricate.
- menjalin: weave together.
- menjalinkan: interweave something.
- jalur
- lane (of traffic), track (of train, et cetera).
- jaluran: wake (of a ship).
- jam
- hour, o'clock, time for doing something, watch.
- jamah
- touch.
- menjamah: touch, feel.
- menjamahi: touch, feel, handle something or someone, sleep with, have sexual relations with, attack.
- terjamah: touchable.
- jamahan: something touched.
- penjamahan: touching, feeling, handling something.
- jamak
- plural; ordinary, customary.
- menjamakkan: pluralise; make or consider something customary.
- kejamakan: pluralisation.
- penjamakan: pluralising.
- sejamaknya: normally.
- jaman
- epoch, time period.
- jambak
- bunch (of flowers, onions, key, et cetera), one's family, ancestor, tuft (of hair), plume; kind of fruit, rose-apple.
- berjambak-jambakan: pull everyone's hair out.
- menjambak: pull, tear out hair, seize by the forelock.
- jambakan: hair that has been pulled out.
- jamban
- privy, toilet, latrine.
- jambang
- jug, vase, pot.
- jambangan: jug, vase, pot.
- jambar
- shelter, temporary shed, or hut; serving, portion.
- Jambi
- a province in Indonesia, located on the Island of Sumatra, capital city of the Province of Jambi.
- jambret
- person who snatches purses, jewelry, et cetera.
- menjambret: snatch, seize.
- jambretan: things looted by snatching.
- jambu
- Eugenia, guava.
- jambul
- tuft, plume (on horse), crest (on bird), front wave (in hair), tuft of hair.
- jambul-jambul: cowlick.
- berjambul: have a tuft.
- menjambul: develop a crest.
- jami
- (Islam) principal mosque.
- jamin
- guarantee.
- menjamin: to guarantee.
- keterjaminan: security, assuredness.
- jaminan: guarantee, security.
- jampi
- magic formula or incantation.
- berjampi: possess a magic formula, speak a magic incantation.
- menjampi: treat someone with an incantation.
- jampian: a formula chanted as a magic incantation, something possessed of magic powers, a charm.
- jampuk
- owl, ominous bird.
- jamrud
- emerald (sila lihat juga: zamrud).
- jamu
- a traditional Javanese herbal medicine tonic.
- jamur
- fungus, mushroom, toadstool.
- berjamur: be covered with mold.
- menjamur: mushroom.
- jamuran: moldy.
- penjamuran: mushrooming.
- janda
- widow, divorcee.
- jangan
- do not, should not, ought not to.
- jangan-jangan: let us hope not, perhaps, maybe.
- jangankan; janganpun: let alone, much less.
- jangat
- skin, hide, corium.
- menjangat: to skin, to flay, to fleece.
- janggal
- awkward, clumsy, inelegant, displeasing, unbecoming, unproper, indecent (of behaviour).
- kejanggalan: awkwardness, discordance, impropriety.
- janggut
- beard, chin.
- berjanggut: to be bearded.
- jangka
- period of time, phase.
- penjangkaan: planning out.
- jangkah
- step, stride, range.
- menjangkah: jump over (across).
- jangkau
- reach, reach to, reach for, reach out.
- menjangkau: reach out, reach.
- terjangkau: within reach, reachable.
- jangki
- (sila lihat jangkih di halaman ini.)
- jangkih
- a strap (to carry a basket on the soulders).
- jangkrik
- cricket, (Java) exclamation used as euphemism.
- jangkung
- gaunt, lanky.
- janin
- (biology) fetus, embryo.
- janji
- promise, agree, engagement, appointment.
- berjanji: promise, pledge.
- perjanjian: agreement, contract.
- jantan
- male (usually of animals).
- jantung
- heart (the organ of the body).
- jantung hati: sweetheart, beloved.
- jantur
- magic trick, sleight of hand, magic spell.
- menjantur: perform magic tricks.
- terjantur: enchanted, under a spell.
- janturan: puppeteer's narration in a shadow play.
- penjantur: sorcerer, (snake) charmer.
- janur
- young coconut leaf.
- japit
- tongs, clamp.
- jarah
- plunder.
- menjarah: plunder.
- jarahan: plunder, booty, spoils.
- penjarah: plunder, pillager.
- penjarahan: pillage, plundering.
- jarak
- distance from or between.
- perjarakan: spacing.
- jarang
- rare, scarce, infrequently, seldom, spaced wide apart, sparse.
- kejarangan: infrequency, scarceness.
- jari
- finger to toe.
- jaring
- dragnet or seine (not a casting net), web, sports net, mesh net.
- menjaring: catch or pick up in a net, encompass, embrace.
- terjaring: caught, snared.
- jaringan: net, network (television, road, radio), (anatomy) tissue.
- penjaring: something to use as a net.
- penjaringan: action of snaring.
- jarum
- needle.
- jas
- coat, jacket.
- jasa
- merit or service rendered.
- berjasa: to provide one's services.
- jasad
- (biology) body, organism.
- jasad renik: microorganism.
- jasmani
- body.
- kejasmanian: materialism.
- penjasmanian: materialisation.
- jatah
- allocation, quota.
- menjatahkan: allocate.
- penjatahan: distributing.
- Jateng
- a syllabic abbreviation of or contraction for "Jawa Tengah", or the province of Central Java.
- jati
- teak wood or tree; (sila lihat juga: sejati).
- Jatim
- a syllabic abbreviation of or contraction for "Jawa Timur", or the province of East Java.
- jatuh
- fall, fail.
- berjatuhan: (plural) fall.
- menjatuhi: to cause to fall, fell.
- menjatuhkan: drop, topple, overthrow, pass a sentence, hand down a verdict.
- kejatuhan: be hit by a falling object.
- jauh
- far, distant.
- berjauhan: be far from each other.
- menjauhi: to move away from, make oneself distant from.
- jauh-menjauhi: remain distant from each other.
- menjauh: be or grow distant.
- kejauhan: distance, to be at a distance.
- Jawa
- Java, one of the major islands in Indonesia, or Javanese, a major ethnic group in Indonesia.
- jawab
- reply, answer, response.
- berjawab: to reply.
- berjawaban: reply to everyone.
- menjawab; menjawabi: to respond or to answer a question.
- jawaban: response, answer.
- jawat
- colleague.
- sejawat: colleague.
- jawatan: office, division, bureau.
- jawatan
- department, government office.
- jaya
- victory, victorious, glorious, prosperous.
- berjaya: victorious, prosperous.
- menjayakan: glorify, extol.
- kejayaan: glory, fame, prosperity.
- Jayapura
- capital city of the Province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia.