Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ka
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- kabar
- news, report.
- mengkabari: to inform.
- mengkabarkan: to report something.
- kabel
- cable.
- kabinet
- governmental cabinet.
- kabisat
- (sila lihat: tahun.)
- kabul
- answered, granted (a request).
- mengkabuli; mengkabulkan: grant (a wish), answer a prayer.
- pengkabulan: fulfilling (of a request).
- kabupaten
- official residence of the head of district.
- kabur
- vague, blurred, hazy.
- mengkabur: become hazy, blurred.
- mengkaburkan; memperkabur: blur, obscure something.
- kabut
- fog, haze.
- kaca
- glass, mirror.
- mengkaca: look in the mirror.
- kacang
- bean, pea, peanut.
- kacang panjang: long bean.
- kacau
- in disorder, in an uproar, confused, in disarray.
- kekacaubalauan: chaos, total confusion.
- mengkacaubalauan: cause chaos and confusion.
- berkacau: be all mixed up, mixed, blended.
- bersikacau: (plural) be in confusion.
- mengkacau: stir (a drink, paint, et cetera), stir up trouble, bother, disturb.
- mengkacaukan; memperkacaukan: mix, stir something, make something confusing, stir up trouble.
- kekacauan: confusion, disorder.
- kacauan: mixture something mixed and disorganized.
- pengkacau: agitator, disturber of peace.
- pengkacauan: commotion, disturbance, stir.
- kacoak
- cockroach.
- kadal
- lizard.
- kadaluwarsa
- out of date, expired.
- kadang
- sometimes.
- kadang-kadang: sometimes, occasionally.
- kadang-kadang
- (sila lihat kadang di halaman ini.)
- kadar
- degree, level of quality.
- kader
- cadres.
- pengkaderan: forming of cadres, recruiting cadres.
- Kadin
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia", or the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Indonesia.
- Kadispen
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Kepala Dinas Penerangan", or a chief division of the centre for information in military.
- kado
- gift, present.
- mengkadokan: give as a gift.
- kafan
- shroud.
- kaget
- startled, frightened.
- kagum
- amazed, awestruck.
- mengkagumi: be amazed by.
- mengkagumkan: to amaze, to be amazing, impressive.
- kekaguman: amazement.
- pengkagum: admirer.
- kah
- a particle marking the thing in a question which is being asked about.
- kaidah
- norm, rule, principle, theorem.
- kail
- fish hook.
- pengkail: angler, fisherman.
- kain
- cloth, fabric, type of women's clothing worn like a sarong.
- kaing
- yelp with pain (as a dog).
- terkaing-kaing: cried out, squealed.
- kait
- hook, barb, catch.
- kait-berkaitan: interrelated, interconnected.
- berkait: use a hook or crook, caught, hooked on something.
- berkaitan: link to everyone or each other, be related to.
- berkait-kaitan: related, linked together.
- mengkait: hook, get caught, hooked on something, embezzle.
- mengkaitkan: hook something on to, attach something, dock (a ship), connect, relate, tie.
- terkait: be connected, hooked, interrelated.
- keterkaitan: connection or interrelatedness.
- kaitan: hook, crook, link, connection.
- pengkait: hook, crook, linking.
- pengkaitan: connnecting, obligating someone by making a certain action connected to someone else.
- perkaitan: state of being docked.
- kaji
- knowledge, teaching; inspect, examine.
- mengaji: knowledge, teaching (especially religious), to recite Koranic verses.
- mengkajikan: to read Koranic verses out loud.
- mengkaji: inspect, examine, investigate.
- kajian: study, studies.
- kakak
- older brother, sister, or cousin, term of address for someone as old as an older person or sibling (especially expressed as "kak").
- kakap
- name given to many kind of large fish, big time criminal, gangster, large scale (firm, operation).
- kakatua
- macaw.
- kakek
- grandfather.
- kaki
- foot, leg, foot (in measurement), classifier for flowers and umbrellas.
- mengkaki: serve, work for someone.
- kaku
- stiff, rigid, clumsy, awkward.
- mengkakukan: stiffen something.
- kekakuan: rigidity, awkwardness in company.
- kakus
- (colloquial) privy, latrine.
- kala
- era, period of time, time.
- kalajengking: scorpion.
- kalah
- defeated, lose, be inferior to.
- mengkalah: give in, accede to something.
- mengkalahkan: to defeat an opponent.
- kekalahan: defeat.
- kalahan: an underdog.
- kalajengking
- (sila lihat kala di halaman ini.)
- kalang
- circle, realm, field.
- kalang-kabut
- confused, chaotic.
- mengkalang-kabutkan: to confuse.
- kekalang-kabutan: confusion, chaos.
- kalangan
- circle, arena, realm.
- kalap
- be possessed by evil spirits.
- kalau
- if, when (future).
- kalaupun: even though.
- kalau-kalau: in case, lest, maybe, perhaps.
- kalbu
- heart, mind.
- kalem
- calm, cool, patient, relaxed.
- kalendar
- (sila lihat kalender di halaman ini.)
- kalender
- calendar.
- kaleng
- can, tin, tin.
- pengalengan: canning, pengetinan.
- kali
- river, time(s), (mathematics) times.
- sekali: once, one time, at the same time, when (so-and-so happens), as soon as.
- sekalian: all, at the same time.
- kalian
- (plural) you (especially to people of equal or lower social status).
- kaligus
- (sila lihat: sekaligus.)
- Kalimantan
- the Kalimantan Island in Indonesia, also known as Borneo.
- kalimat
- sentence.
- kalkun
- turkey.
- kalo
- (sila lihat kalau di halaman ini.)
- kalung
- necklace or pendant worn around the neck.
- kalut
- confused, chaotic.
- kekalutan: confusion.
- kamar
- room.
- kambing
- goat.
- Kamboja
- Cambodia, Kemboja.
- kambrat
- comrade, accomplice, party to a crime, committed to something, small party, get together.
- berkambrat: have an accomplice, have a companion in activity.
- kambuh
- relapse.
- kambus
- blocked, stopped up (of drain).
- kamerad
- comrade.
- kami
- we, us, our (excluding the hearer).
- kamil
- perfect.
- Kamis
- Thursday.
- kamit
- (sila lihat: komat-kamit.)
- kamp
- camp.
- kamp militer: military camp.
- kampung
- village.
- sekampung: the whole village, of the same village.
- berkampung: gathered, collected.
- mengkampungkan: gather, collect together.
- kampungan: countrified, simple.
- kampus
- campus.
- Kamra
- a syllabic abbreviation of or contraction for "Keamanan Rakyat", or the People's Security System.
- kamu
- you, your (informal intimate address or address for those of lower social status).
- kamus
- dictionary.
- kan
- (expression) "It is the case, is it not?", "Because as you well know..."; a short form of or a contraction for "akan".
- kanak-kanak
- child.
- kanan
- right (as opposed to left).
- kancah
- something figuratively comparable to a deep pot, large pot for cooking rice, depth(s), abyss.
- kancah informasi: mine of information.
- kancah kesengsaraan: depth of despair.
- kancah peperangan: cauldron of war.
- kancah politik: political arena.
- kancil
- mouse deer, a clever individual.
- kancing
- button, snap.
- mengkancing; mengkancingan: button something, lock or latch something.
- terkancing: locked, button.
- kandang
- stable, stall, pen, place to keep vehicles, boats, et cetera.
- kandang ayam: chicken coop.
- kandang babi: pigpen.
- kandang bermain: playpen.
- kandang kapal: boathouse.
- mengkandangkan: put into stable.
- pengkandangan: penning up of something.
- kandidat
- candidate.
- kandung
- womb, uterus, pouch-like part of the body.
- sekandung: from the same womb (id est, full siblings).
- berkandung: have contents, be pregnant.
- mengkandung: be pregnant with, contain.
- terkandung: to be contained.
- kang
- (Javanese) form of address used by a wife to a husband, (Sundanese) form of address to older men.
- kangen
- to long for.
- kangkung
- a kind of vegetable, water spinach, kangkung.
- kanguru
- kangaroo.
- kanji
- starch.
- mengkanji: to starch something.
- kanker
- cancer.
- kanpas
- canvas.
- kantin
- canteen (usually attached to a workplace).
- kantong
- (sila lihat kantung di halaman ini.)
- kantor
- office, agency, bureau, pejabat, agensi, biro.
- kantuk
- sleepiness, drowsiness.
- mengkantuk: feel sleepy.
- terkantuk: doze off.
- pengkantuk: someone given to dozing.
- kantung
- pocket, bag, pouch, pouch-like part of body.
- berkantung: have a pocket.
- mengkantungi: pocket something, carry in the pocket.
- mengkantungkan: pocket something.
- kanvas
- canvas for painting.
- Kanwil
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Kantor Wilayah", or the regional office.
- kaos
- foot stocking, undershirt.
- kap
- (automotive) roof of a car, shade (of a lamp).
- kapal
- ship, boat, vessel.
- kapan
- when.
- kapas
- cotton wool.
- kapasitas
- capacity, kapasiti, keupayaan, muatan, isian.
- kapela
- chapel.
- kapir
- infidel, pagan.
- kapital
- capital.
- kapitalisasi
- capitalisation, penulisan dengan huruf besar, pemodalan.
- kapling
- (sila lihat kaveling di halaman ini.)
- kapok
- learn one's lesson, be cured.
- kapolda
- a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "kepala polisi daerah", or head of the provincial (or district) police force.
- kapolres
- a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "kepala polisi resort", or head of the county police.
- kapolri
- a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "kepala polisi republik Indonesia", or the head of Indonesian police force.
- kapri
- snow peas.
- kapten
- captain.
- karam
- be shipwrecked, go under, fail, founder.
- karang
- coral, coral reef, atoll; compose, arrange.
- berkarang: to be set in (a disease), inset (of diamond, et cetera), in bunches (of flowers).
- mengkarang: string (beads), arrange (flowers), compose (music, writing, et cetera).
- karangan: arrangement, floral wreath, composition of music or writing.
- pengkarang: author, composer.
- karapan
- race.
- karapan sapi: bull race.
- karat
- stain, rust, carat, quality, value.
- berkarat: rusty, stained, disgraced, blemished.
- karatan: rusty, rusty and old, bad, blemished.
- perkaratan; pengkaratan: corrosion, corroding.
- karcis
- ticket.
- kardus
- cardboard, cardboard box.
- karena
- because, kerana.
- karet
- rubber, elastic, condom, getah.
- kari
- curry, a spiced dish of cooked meat.
- karib
- close, intimate friend.
- teman karib: close friends.
- karna
- (sila lihat karena di halaman ini.)
- Karo
- the Karo Batak, an ethnic group of North Sumatra.
- karoseri
- automobile body.
- karton
- carton, cardboard, hardboard.
- kartu
- card, playing card.
- kartun
- cartoon.
- karung
- sack, bag.
- karunia
- gift, grant from heaven.
- mengkaruniai: to grant someone a favour or blessing.
- mengkaruniakan: to give something.
- karya
- opus, work, labour, creation (of a designer, et cetera).
- karyawan
- official employee, functionary.
- mengkaryawankan: assign someone.
- kekaryawanan: employment, tenure of service.
- karyawati
- female official employee, functionary.
- kas
- cash, money supply, cashier's window, treasury; (wooden) case.
- berkas: have cash.
- kasa
- gauze.
- Kasab
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Kepala Staf Angkatan Bersenjata", or the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.
- kasar
- coarse, rough, crude, rude.
- mengkasari: to make rough, treat roughly or harshly.
- kasasi
- (legislation, legislative, or legislature) the jurisdiction of the highest court beyond which there is no appeal, appeal to the supreme court.
- kaset
- cassette.
- mengkasetkan: to record something on a cassette.
- kasi
- give, cause or allow someone to (do something), put; a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "kepala seksi", or the administrative section head.
- kasian
- (sila lihat kasih di halaman ini.)
- kasih
- love, affection.
- mengkasih; mengkasihi: love someone or something.
- mengkasihani: pity someone.
- kekasihan: love, mercy.
- kasihan: mercy, exclamation of pity.
- kasir
- cashier.
- kassa
- cashier's window or desk, ticket or box office.
- kasur
- mattress.
- kasus
- case (legal, medical, et cetera), kes.
- kata
- word, says, said.
- berkata: talk, speak.
- mengkatakan: say something.
- perkataan: word, words.
- katak
- frog, toad.
- kategori
- category.
- kategorisasi
- categorisation, pengelasan, pengkategorian, kategorian.
- Katolik
- Catholic.
- katun
- cotton.
- katup
- valve.
- mengkatup: shut or close tight.
- terkatup: closed, shut, locked tight.
- katup jantung: heart valve.
- kau
- (sila lihat: engkau.)
- kaum
- social, political, or economic community, extended family, clan, or ethnic group.
- kaus
- sock, stocking, undershirt.
- kausa
- cause.
- kaveling
- lot, parcel of land.
- mengkaveling; mengkavelingkan: divide lands into plots.
- pengkavelingkan: parcelling of land.
- kawah
- cauldron, kettle crater.
- kawak
- old.
- kawakan: experienced.
- kawal
- guard, sentry, watchman.
- pengawal pribadi: bodyguard.
- kawan
- friend, companion, comrade.
- sekawan: herd, flock, school (of fish), gang, group.
- berkawan: to have friends, to be friends.
- mengkawani: keep someone company.
- perkawanan: friendship.
- kawas
- border on.
- berkawas: border on.
- kawasan: region, area, sphere.
- sekawasan: of the same region.
- kawat
- wire, filament, telegram, cable.
- perkawatan: telegraphy.
- kawin
- marry, be married, copulate.
- mengkawini: marry someone, sleep with someone, copulate with (of animals).
- mengkawinkan: to marry off, to breed an animal.
- perkawinan: marriage, breeding of animals.
- kawula
- servant, subject.
- kaya
- wealthy, rich, have in abundance; like, as, similar to.
- kekayaan: wealth, riches, power, might.
- kayak
- (sila lihat kaya di halaman ini.)
- kayu
- wood, tree.
- kayu manis: cinnamon (bark).
- kayuh
- paddle, bicycle pedal.
- berkayuh; mengkayuh: paddle, pedal.
- kayuhan: stroke (of oar).
- pengkayuh: oar, paddle, rower, oarsman.