Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ke
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- ke
- to, going to.
- keamanan
- safety, security; (sila lihat juga: aman).
- kebal
- invulnerable, immune, insensitive.
- mengkebal: become immune to.
- mengkebalkan: immunise.
- kekebalan: invulnerability, immunity, resistance.
- pengkebalan: immunisation.
- kebas
- shake out (a cloth, bed sheet, et cetera), flap, wag (wings, tails).
- mengkebaskan: shake out, flap.
- kebasan: flapping.
- kebaya
- a traditional kind of woman's blouse usually worn with a sarong.
- kebelet
- (colloquial) have an urgent need to do something (especially defecate or urinate).
- kebijakan
- (sila lihat: bijak dan bijaksana.)
- kebun
- garden, estate, plantation.
- perkebunan: plantation.
- kebut
- race, speed up, compete, dust off.
- mengkebut: drive at an excessive speed, race, push ahead, speed up an activity or activities.
- kebutan: wild speeding.
- kecam
- criticise, investigate, consider carefully, review, write a criticism.
- mekecam; mengkecam: criticise.
- kecaman: criticism.
- kecambah
- sprout, shoot.
- berkecambah: to sprout.
- perkecambahan: germination.
- kecamuk
- raging, uproar.
- berkecamuk: be in uproar, rage.
- kecap
- sound of the tongue smacking, word; soy sauce; idle talk.
- mengkecap: taste (food); engage in idle talk.
- mengkecap-kecap; berkecap-kecap: to smack one's lips.
- kecapan: a taste of something, the smack of one's lips.
- pengkecap: sense of taste.
- kecewa
- disappointed.
- mengkecewakan: to disappoint, to thwart, foil.
- kekecewaan: disappointment.
- kecil
- small, young, minor, insignificant.
- memperkecil: to reduce in size.
- kecoa
- (sila lihat: kacoak.)
- kecuali
- except, besides.
- mengkecualikan: to exempt, to exclude.
- kekecualian: exception.
- kecubung
- a plant (Datura fastuosa), funnel-shaped mouthpiece, a semi-precious stone.
- kecup
- sound of kiss.
- berkecupan: kiss each other or everyone.
- mengkecup; mengkecupi: kiss someone.
- kecupan: kiss.
- kecut
- wrinkled, shrivelled, shrunken, afraid; sour.
- mengkecutkan: to shrivel or shrink something, to frighten something or someone.
- pengkecut: coward.
- kedai
- small shop or eating place.
- mengkedaikan; memperkedaikan: display something for sale.
- kedap
- hermetical, impermeable, watertight, close-meshed, tightly-woven.
- kedap suara: sound proof.
- kedap abu: dust proof.
- kedap air: water proof.
- kedar
- (sila lihat: kadar.)
- kedawung
- a tree with black fruit, producing medicinal products (Parkia biglobosa).
- kedelai
- soybeans.
- kedip
- wink, blink, flicker, flash (of a light).
- berkedip-kedip; terkedip-kedip: wink, blink (repeatedly), flashing (of light).
- kedipan: wink, flicker.
- mengkedipkan: to wink, blink.
- kedok
- mask, guise, cover.
- berkedok: wear a mask, masked.
- kedua
- both, kedua-dua.
- kehadirat
- (sila lihat: hadirat.)
- kehakiman
- judicial affairs.
- kejam
- cruel, harsh, merciless.
- kejang
- stiff, in convulsion, seized with a cramp or spasm.
- pengkejangan: contraction, spasm.
- kejap
- wink (of the eye).
- sekejap: in a wink, in a second.
- kejar
- chase, race, compete, pursue.
- berkejar: chase each other, race everyone, compete (in achievement).
- mengkejar: run, chase after, pursue, catch up with.
- mengkejari: run or chase after someone, pursue one's ideals.
- mengkejarkan: send something or someone in pursuit.
- kejaran: pursuit, chase.
- pengkejar: pursuer.
- kejawen
- mysticism associated with the Javanese view of the world, general Javanese knowledge.
- keji
- despicable, shameful, contemptible (deed).
- mengkejikan: despise, consider vile, vilify.
- kekejian: meanness, baseness.
- kejora
- morning star.
- keju
- cheese.
- kejut
- frightened, startled.
- mengkejut: suddenly.
- mengkejuti, mengkejutkan: startling, to startle someone.
- terkejut: startled.
- kekejutan: to be startled or surprised, surprise.
- kejutan: jolt, shock.
- kekah
- rake, rake up.
- mekekah: rake, rake up.
- kekal
- eternal, everlasting, durable, lasting, colourfast.
- kekekalan: constancy, durability.
- kekar
- solid, firm (body, et cetera), squat, hefty, tight, close.
- kekekaran: the heftiness (of body).
- kekeh
- roar with laughter.
- terkekeh-kekeh: roar with laughter.
- kekek
- giggle, snicker, snigger.
- terkekek: giggle, snicker.
- keker
- telescope, (spy-)glass, solid, strong.
- keladi
- taro.
- kelahi
- quarrel, argument, fight.
- berkelahi: to fight.
- perkelahian; perkelahikan: fight, quarrel.
- kelak
- later; kind of bird, cuckoo-dove.
- kelam
- dull, overcast, dark, obscure, dim.
- kekelaman: darkness, obscurity.
- mengkelamkan: darken.
- kelambu
- mosquito net.
- kelamin
- sex, gender.
- berkelamin: in pairs.
- perkelaminan: sexual affairs.
- alat kelamin: genitals.
- kelapa
- coconut.
- kelas
- class.
- kelawat
- (a reformation of selawat and salwat.)
- penkelawat: those who attend a funeral.
- keledai
- donkey, ass.
- kelelawar
- bat.
- keleneng
- small bell, sound of a small bell.
- kelenengan: a tinkling sound, a concert of gamelan music.
- kelengkeng
- longan, lychee (litchi).
- kelenjar
- gland.
- kelenjar air mata: tear duct.
- kelenjar getah bening: lymph gland.
- kelenjar keringat: sweat gland.
- kelenjar ludah: salivary gland.
- kelenjar susu: mammary gland.
- keliar
- swarm about.
- berkeliaran: roam or wander about, swarm about (as ants, birds, et cetera).
- keliling
- circumference, area around, periphery.
- sekeliling: the surrounding area.
- berkeliling: to go around.
- mengkelilingi: to surround.
- Keling
- a derogatory term for a person from India, especially Southern India.
- kelir
- colour; curtain, screen (for a movie, shadow play, et cetera), disguise, cover, mask.
- mengkelir: to colour (a picture, et cetera).
- berkelir; bekelir: have a curtain over it.
- keliru
- wrong, erroneous, mistake.
- mengkelirukan: mislead someone, confused something with something else.
- kekeliruan: error, mistake.
- kelok
- curve, bend, turn.
- berkelokan: winding.
- kelola
- manage, carry out, execute, governance.
- mengkelola; mengkelolakan: manage (a business), carry out or execute (a job).
- kelolaan: management.
- pengkelola: manager, organiser.
- pengkelolaan: management.
- kelompok
- group, category.
- berkelompok: in groups.
- kelontong
- bamboo clapper (used by peddlers or hawkers), peddler, sundries, five-and-dime goods.
- kelop
- jibe, tally, square, balanced, in agreement.
- mengkelopkan: balance, square.
- keluar
- exit, go or come out.
- mengkeluarkan: move something to the outside, expel, issue out, produce, spend.
- keluaran: output, product.
- pengkeluaran: dismissal, release (of book or movie), exportation, expenditure.
- keluarga
- family, relative.
- sekeluarga: a family, the whole family.
- berkeluarga: to have a family, to be married.
- keluh
- sigh, moan, complaint.
- mengkeluhkesahkan: complain about.
- mengkeluhi: bemoan.
- mengkeluhkan: complain about something.
- keluhan: complaint.
- kemah
- tent, camp, awning abroad ship.
- berkemah: camp, put up a tent.
- perkemahan: camping, a camp out, (military) camp, encampment.
- kemarau
- dry, dry season, having no money.
- kemaren
- (sila lihat kemarin di halaman ini.)
- kemarin
- yesterday, (Javanese) in the past.
- kemarin dulu/dahulu: day before yesterday.
- kemas
- orderly, well kept, cleared away, crated, boxed.
- berkemas: pack, clear things away, put things in order.
- mengkemasi: clear or put something in order, care for.
- mengkemaskan: tidy up, pack something up.
- kemasan: package, packing.
- pengkemasan; perkemasan: packaging.
- kembali
- return, revert to, once again, you are welcome, change (of money).
- mengkembalikan: return something.
- kembalian: pocket change.
- kembang
- flower.
- berkembang: developing.
- berkembangan: to bloom, flower, blossom.
- mengkembangkan: to develop, expand.
- pengkembangan: development, expansion.
- kembar
- twins, identical.
- mengkembari: to match, to duplicate.
- kembung
- filled with air, puffed up.
- mengkembung: puff up.
- pengkembungan: inflation (of tire, balloon, et cetera).
- kemeja
- western-style shirt.
- kemenyan
- incense.
- kemilau
- shining, glistening (of metal, jewel, moon, et cetera).
- kemiri
- candle nut (the tree or its nuts).
- Kemis
- Thursday.
- kempes
- deflated, flat (tire, et cetera), sunken (of cheek, chest, et cetera), penniless.
- mengkempes: collapse (of lung, vein).
- kantong kempes: flat, broke.
- mengkempeskan: deflate, let the air out of (a tire, balloon).
- kempih
- (sila lihat kempis di halaman ini.)
- kempis
- deflated, flat (of tire, balloon, et cetera), penniless.
- mengkempis: collapse (of a lung).
- kemudi
- helm, rudder, steering wheel, government management.
- berkemudi: use a rudder, hold the rudder.
- mengkemudikan: steer, pilot, govern.
- pengkemudi: helmsman, pilot, director.
- kemudian
- afterwards, later, then.
- terkemudian: last, later, neglected, relegated to being last.
- kena
- be affected or struck by something detrimental, hit.
- mengkenai: hit, touch, affect adversely, about, with respect to.
- mengkenakan: put clothing on, impose punishment, levy taxes.
- terkena: hit, struck.
- kenal
- know, be acquainted with.
- berkenalan: be acquainted with each other.
- mengkenal: know, be acquainted with, recognise, distinguish.
- mengkenalkan; memperkenalkan: introduce someone or something.
- mengkenali: to recognise or identify.
- terkenal: famous.
- kenalan: an acquaintance.
- pengkenalan: introduction.
- kenan
- birthmark, agree.
- berkenan: have the pleasure of, agree, approve, endorse.
- memperkenankan: to permit, allow.
- kenang
- to recall, remember.
- mengkenang: to reminisce.
- mengkenangkan: to recall something.
- kenang-kenangan: a remembrance, memento.
- kenapa
- why.
- kenari
- canary, the canary tree and its nuts.
- kencan
- date, appointment.
- mengkencani: date.
- kencang
- fast, quickness.
- kekencangan: speed, tight.
- kencing
- urine, urinate.
- terkencing: to suddenly have to urinate.
- kencur
- greater galingale, a root crop resembling ginger, used as spice and medicine.
- kendala
- restriction, obstacle.
- kendali
- reins.
- mengkendalikan: to control the reins, to manage or lead, to restrain, hold back.
- kendang
- small drum.
- kendara
- ride, driving.
- berkendara: ride (in something).
- mengkendarai: drive or ride something, ride (a horse).
- kendaraan: vehicle.
- pengkendara: driver, rider.
- Kendari
- capital city of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia.
- kendati
- although, even so, nonetheless.
- kendi
- water jug.
- kenduri
- ritual meal.
- kenek
- assistant to a truck or bus driver.
- kening
- forehead, eyebrow.
- kenop
- button, switch, button (of a shirt).
- kental
- thick (of a liquid), strong (as of coffee), intimate (of relationships).
- mengkental: to thicken or coagulate.
- kekentalan: viscosity.
- kentang
- potato.
- kentut
- flatus, stomach gas, break wind, fart.
- kenyal
- tough, rubbery (of meat, et cetera), elastic (of fibre, et cetera).
- kekenyalan: elasticity.
- kenyam
- taste, experience.
- mekenyam: taste, experience.
- kenyang
- satiated, full (as from eating).
- mengkenyangkan: filling, satisfying.
- keong
- snail, shape of a snail's shell, coil, or spiral.
- kepada
- (sila lihat: pada.)
- kepala
- head, leader.
- mengkepalai: to lead, be in charge of.
- kepalang
- insufficient, inadequate.
- keparat
- roguish person, heathen, damned or cursed, (exclamation) "damn!".
- kepaya
- traditional dress for Indonesian women.
- kepentingan
- importance, benefits; (sila lihat juga: penting).
- keping
- chip, splinter, fragment, piece.
- berkeping-keping: in pieces, fragments.
- kepingin
- want, desire, yearn for.
- kepis
- a type of basket for freshly caught fish.
- kepiting
- crab.
- kepleset
- slip.
- keplok
- applause.
- berkeplok: clap, applaud.
- keplok tangan: clap one's hands.
- keponakan
- niece, nephew, keponakan laki-laki, keponakan perempuan.
- kepul
- billowing smoke.
- mengkepul; berkepul; berkepul-kepul: billow.
- kepundan
- crater, lava.
- kera
- monkey.
- kerabat
- relative, family.
- berkerabat: be related to, be allied.
- kekerabatan: kinship.
- kerah
- corvee.
- berkerah: mobilised.
- mengkerahkan: mobilise, conscript (labourers, militia), collar.
- kerajaan
- kingdom, empire; (sila lihat juga: raja).
- kerakyatan
- democracy, populist, rule by the people, demokrasi.
- keramat
- sacred, holy, possessing supernatural qualities, shrine, sacred spot.
- mengkeramatkan: consider sacred, respect highly.
- keramik
- ceramics.
- keran
- faucet.
- kerang
- cockle shells, mollusks and their shells, shellfish.
- kerang hijau: green mussel.
- kerang-kerangan: various kind of mollusks.
- kerangka
- skeleton, framework, design, plan.
- mengkerangkai: provide with a framework.
- terkerangka: still in the framework stage (of houses, ships, et cetera).
- kerangkeng
- jail, lock up, cage, playpen.
- keranjang
- basket.
- kerap
- often, frequently.
- keras
- hard (as opposed to or not soft), loud (of a sound), harsh.
- mengkeras: to harden.
- mengkeraskan; memperkeras: harden or strengthen something or someone, to amplify (a sound).
- kekerasan: hardness, loudness, harshness, violence.
- kerasan
- (sila lihat: krasan.)
- kerat
- slice, piece, part, silver.
- keratan: piece, section.
- mengerat-ngerat: cut into pieces.
- keraton
- palace, especially of Javanese ruler (king).
- kekeratonan: having to do with the court.
- kerawang
- filigree, openwork, (on cloth) embroidery, lacework.
- mengkerawang: do openwork.
- kerbau
- water buffalo.
- kerdil
- stunted, dwarfish.
- keren
- striking, handsome, dashing, (expression) "!" as in "that's cool!".
- keret
- cut.
- mengkeret: to shrink, afraid, or scared.
- kereta
- coach (bus, train, et cetera), cart, carriage.
- kerik
- a folk treatment for headaches and chills which consists by scraping the back of the neck with a coin until the skin is inflamed.
- mengkeriki: to perform such a treatment.
- kerikil
- gravel, pebble.
- kering
- dry, not lucrative, unproductive.
- mengkeringkan: dry something out.
- keringat
- sweat, perspiration.
- keris
- sacred Indonesian double-bladed dagger.
- Keristen
- Christian; (sila lihat juga: Kristen).
- keritik
- sound of crackling.
- berkeritik: crackle, sputter (of a lighted candle).
- keriting
- curly, kinky (of hair).
- keriut
- sound of creaking, squeaking, scraping.
- berkeriutan: make such a sound.
- keriutan: the squeaking sound produced by something.
- kerja
- work, occupation.
- bekerja: to work.
- mengkerjakan: carry out or work on something.
- mempekerjakan: employ.
- pekerja: worker.
- pekerjaan: work.
- kerjasama
- cooperation.
- kerling
- glance out of the corner of the eye.
- mengkerling: glance sideways, eye something with intent to acquire it.
- mengkerlingi: glance at.
- kerlingan: eyed, aimed at.
- kernet
- assistant to a driver (sila lihat juga kenek di halaman ini).
- kernyit
- furrow.
- berkernyit; mengkernyit: frown.
- keroncong
- sound of jingling, a type of popular Indonesian music.
- keroncongan: grumble, growl.
- kerongkongan
- throat.
- keropok
- hollow, empty, eaten away (of interior).
- kertas
- paper.
- keruan
- known.
- kerubung
- crowd.
- berkerubung; mengkerubung: encircling in numbers.
- mengkerubungi: crowd around.
- kerubungan: a mob that has crowded around.
- kerudung
- veil.
- berkerudung: veiled.
- kerumun
- swarm over, cluster around, assemble.
- berkerumun: swarm over, cluster around.
- mengkerumuni: crowd around something.
- kerumunan: crowd, throng, mob.
- kerunyut
- wrinkle, furrow.
- berkerunyut: to wrinkle, to have wrinkles.
- kerupuk
- chips made from flour and fish or shrimp flavouring.
- kerut
- (sila lihat kerunyut di halaman ini.)
- berkerut: furrowed, wrinkled.
- kesal
- fed up, dejected.
- berkesal: be fed up.
- mengkesalkan: annoy, make someone fed up.
- kekesalan: annoyance.
- kesan
- impression.
- berkesan: have the impression, make an impression.
- mengkesan: leave an impression.
- mengkesankan; memperkesankan: give an impression, impressive.
- kesel
- (sila lihat kesal di halaman ini.)
- keseleo
- be sprained; (sila lihat juga: kilir).
- keseleo lidah: slip of the tongue.
- ketan
- sticky or glutinous rice.
- ketan hitam: black sticky rice.
- tepung ketan: flour from sticky rice.
- ketat
- tight (of clothes, ring, embrace, et cetera), firm, binding (contract), strict.
- memperketat; mengketatkan: tighten.
- keketatan: tightness.
- ketawa
- to laugh.
- ketiak
- armpit.
- mengketiaki: put or carry something under the arms.
- ketik
- sound of ticking, anything to do with typing.
- mengketik: to type.
- ketika
- point in time, moment, when (in the past).
- seketika: instant of time, a moment.
- ketimun
- (sila lihat: mentimun.)
- ketok
- knock on, pound on.
- ketoprak
- a kind of Javanese historical drama.
- ketua
- chairman, elder, chief, moderator.
- mengketuai: chair, preside over.
- ketuk
- knock, tap.
- mengketuk: knock on something.
- mengketuki: knock on.
- ketukan: a knock or tap.
- ketumbar
- coriander.
- ketupat
- rice cooked in a packet of coconut leaves.
- kewalahan
- at a loss of what to do (because of a deluge of work, in the face of a superior enemy).