Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Lu
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- luang
- empty, vacant, free.
- meluangkan: vacate, make room for, make time for.
- terluang: free, spare, vacant.
- peluang: opportunity.
- luap
- overflow (of a river), boil over (of water), flare up, overwhelmed.
- meluap: overflow (of a river), boil over (of water), flare up.
- meluap-luap: enthusiastic, wild about something.
- luapan: overflow, bubbling over.
- luar
- outside, beyond, aside from.
- keluarbiasaan: extraordinariness.
- luas
- wide, broad, extensive, large in capacity, expansive (of discussion).
- meluas: spread out, extend.
- memperluas; memperluaskan: expand, widen, broaden.
- lubang
- hole, orifice, cavity, hollow, burrow, pit.
- berlubang: perforated hollow.
- berlubang-lubang: full of holes.
- melubang: make a hole (in golf).
- melubangi: dig a hole, pierce (the ears, et cetera), punch, perforate, hollow out.
- melubang-lubang: riddle something, punch something.
- melubangkan: to perforate.
- pelubang: drill, brace, bit.
- pelubangan: animal pit, trap.
- Luber
- a half acronym of and half syllabic abbreviation for "Langsung, Umum, Bebas, dan Rahasia", or the Direct, General, Free, and Confidential.
- lucu
- funny.
- melucu: acting funny.
- kelucuan: humour.
- lucut
- slip off (of a ring, hold, et cetera).
- melucut: slip off (of a ring, hold, et cetera).
- melucuti: strip someone, remove from someone.
- melucutkan: take off (clothes, ring, et cetera), loosen, untie.
- terlucut: slipped off (of a ring, et cetera).
- pelucutan; perlucutan: removal.
- ludah
- saliva, spittle.
- berludah; meludah: spit.
- meludahi: to spit on.
- meludahkan: to spit something out.
- ludes
- all gone.
- meludeskan; ludeskan: wipe out.
- lugu
- simple, plain, unadorned, innocence.
- luhur
- glorious, supreme, lofty (ideals), upright, nobel.
- meluhurkan: exalt, glorify, ennoble.
- keluhuran: grandeur, majesty, nobleness (of character).
- luka
- injury, cut, wound.
- melukai; melukakan: injure, wound, hurt something or someone.
- terluka: injured or hurt.
- lukis
- paint.
- melukiskan: to paint something.
- terlukis: to be painted, portrayed.
- lukisan: painting.
- pelukis: painter.
- lulu
- (sila lihat: melulu.)
- luluh
- crushed (to powder).
- luluh lantak: smashed to smithereens, completely crushed.
- lulur
- tenderloin (of beef).
- melulur: swallow whole, gobble up, (Javanese) herbal cosmetic used to lighten one's complexion.
- lulus
- pass (a test), be given permission.
- meluluskan: pass someone (in an exam), give permission.
- lulusan: graduate, alumnus.
- lumas
- grease.
- melumas: lubricate.
- melumasi: smear with something.
- pelumas: lubricant.
- lumayan
- okay, acceptable, not too bad.
- lumbung
- rice barn.
- lumpia
- egg roll.
- lumpuh
- paralysed (of a person, organ, or business).
- melumpuhkan: paralysed, incapacitate, disable, deactivate.
- lumpur
- mud.
- berlumpur: to be muddy.
- lumrah
- usual, customary, ordinary.
- lumut
- moss, lichen, bryophyte algae.
- berlumut: mossy.
- berlumutan; lumutan: moss-covered.
- lunak
- soft (food, et cetera), easy-going, tractable in disposition, benign (of tumour).
- melunak: become soft, softening (attitude).
- melunakkan: soften something, weaken something.
- kelunakan: softness, gentleness, mildness, moderation.
- pelunak: softener.
- lunas
- paid, settled.
- melunasi: pay, settle (a debt), expiate (a sin), discharge (one's duty).
- terlunasi: paid off.
- pelunasan: paying off a debt.
- luncur
- slide, slip.
- meluncur: slide.
- meluncurkan: cause to slip, launch.
- terluncur: slipped down.
- peluncur: launcher.
- peluncuran: launching.
- lunta
- be in constant difficulty, suffer constantly.
- terlunta-lunta: be in constant difficulty, suffer constantly.
- lupa
- forget.
- melupakan: forget something.
- terlupa: forgotten, to forget.
- pelupa: a forgetful person.
- luput
- slipped away, escaped, not on target.
- meluputkan: free, release, cause to be off target.
- lurah
- village chief.
- kelurahan: political district administered by the village chief.
- luruh
- fall (of fruit, leaves, feathers), be touching to the heart.
- berluruhan: drop in great quantities (of fruit, et cetera).
- meluruh: shed (of hair, fur), drop (of flower, leaves), become emotionally affected.
- meluruhkan: cause something to fall, cause someone to feel touched.
- peluruh: something which causes something to drop.
- peluruhan: process of shedding.
- lurus
- straight, undeviating.
- melurus: stretch out straight, become straight.
- melurusi: walk straight along something.
- meluruskan: straighten out something.
- memperluruskan: correct something.
- kelurusan: honesty, sincerity, justice.
- pelurus: something which straightens something.
- lusa
- the day after tomorrow.
- lusuh
- old and faded, worn out (especially cloth or paper).
- luti
- crumpled, wrinkled.
- lutut
- knee.
- berlutut: kneel, bow to, give in to, surrender.
- bertekuk-lutut: surrender completely.
- luyu
- sleepy.
- luyur
- to hang around a place or walk around with no fixed purpose.
- keluyuran: to hang around to a place.