Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ma
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- maaf
- forgive.
- memaafi: forgive someone.
- memaafkan: forgive something.
- pemaaf: a forgiving person.
- maag
- stomach (as source of sickness), (colloquial) suffer a stomach disorder, ulcer.
- Mabes
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Markas Besar", or the main office. It usually refers to the Indonesian military's or police's main office that takes place in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
- mabrur
- (Islam) accepted by Allah (of one's pilgrimage).
- mabuk
- drunk, intoxicated, nauseated.
- bermabuk; bermabukan: be drunk for a long period.
- memabukkan: intoxicate.
- pemabuk: drunkard.
- macam
- kind, type.
- bermacam-macam: to be of many various kinds or types.
- macan
- tiger, panther.
- memacani: intimidate.
- macet
- jam, jammed, get stuck.
- madah
- eulogy, praise.
- bermadah: praise, recite.
- memadahkan: express, pronouce, relate.
- madahan: songs.
- pemadah: religious person.
- madat
- opium.
- bermadat: smoke opium.
- pemadat: opium smoker.
- pemadatan: use of opium, opium den.
- madrasah
- Islamic school.
- madu
- honey, co-wife.
- bermadu: have a co-wife.
- permaduan: polygamy.
- Madura
- island just to the northeast of Java.
- madya
- medium, average.
- magang
- internship, (unpaid) clerk, official, (fruit) overripe.
- maghrib
- (sila lihat magrib di halaman ini.)
- magis
- magical.
- magrib
- west, at sunset, (Islam) sunset prayers.
- magun
- firm, fixed, permanent.
- maha
- great, master (often used as a prefix).
- mahal
- expensive, scarce, difficult to find.
- kemahalan: expensiveness, too expensive.
- mahar
- (Islam) bride price, dowry.
- maharani
- princess, queen.
- maharesi
- great sage (of ancient time).
- mahasiswa
- higher-level (especially university) student.
- mahfum
- know, understand, comprehend.
- mahir
- capable, able, skillful, expert, proficient, trained.
- memahirkan: learn (by heart), practice (virtue), study (science art).
- mempermahir: practice, learn, acquire.
- kemahiran: capability, skill.
- mahkamah
- court of law.
- mahkota
- crown.
- mahluk
- creature.
- mahluk halus: supernatural creature.
- mahmud
- praised.
- main
- play, engage in some kind of an activity, do something needlessly.
- bermain: to play.
- bermain-main: to play around, goof around, to do something all in fun.
- memainkan: play something.
- mempermainkan: make a fool of someone, manipulate someone or something.
- pemain: player, actor.
- mainan: toy.
- permainan: game, performance.
- majalah
- magazine, periodical publication.
- Majapahit
- name of an early Javanese kingdom.
- majelis
- council, committee, meeting, session, meeting chamber.
- majemuk
- compound, complex, composite, majmuk, komposit, (matematik) gubahan.
- kemajemukan: complexity, plurality, pluralism, kemajmukan, pluralisme.
- majenum
- possessed, mad.
- majikan
- boss, supervisor, employer.
- maju
- move forward, advance, progress.
- memajukan: move something ahead, advance something forward, advance, progress.
- kemajuan: progress.
- mak
- mother, term of address to a woman at a senior age or who is older than the speaker and who might fittingly be called "mother".
- maka
- then, so, particle following a temporal or conditional clause in a sentence.
- makanya: consequently, therefore, so.
- makalah
- article, essay (in newspaper).
- makam
- grave, tomb.
- pemakaman: funeral, burial, permakaman, perkuburan.
- memakamkan: to bury, to entomb.
- makan
- to eat.
- memakan: to consume, eat.
- memakankan: to feed something to someone or something else.
- termakan: eaten (accidentally), edible.
- makanan: food.
- pemakan: eater, consumer.
- makanya
- (sila lihat maka di halaman ini.)
- makar
- trick, tactics, attack, assault, attack against the government, hard and tough (of fruits and vegetables), unripe (of fruits).
- makaroni
- macaroni.
- makelar
- broker, intermediary in a sale.
- makelaran: booky, middleman.
- makelaran
- (sila lihat makelar di halaman ini.)
- makhluk
- (sila lihat mahluk di halaman ini.)
- maki
- abuse, especially with vulgar language.
- maki-maki: abuse with vulgar language.
- memaki: use abusive language towards someone.
- makian: abuse, abusive words.
- makin
- all the more, increasingly.
- semakin: more and more.
- maklum
- know, be knowledgeable, understand.
- memaklumi: to understand something.
- memaklumkan; mempermaklumkan: announce, proclaim.
- maklumat
- proclamation, announcement, declaration, communique.
- makmur
- rich, wealthy.
- kemakmuran: prosperity.
- makna
- meaning, purpose, sense.
- memaknakan: explain, elucidate.
- maknawi
- spiritual.
- maknit
- magnet.
- kemaknitan: magnetism.
- makota
- (sila lihat mahkota di halaman ini.)
- makramat
- holiness.
- makruh
- objectionable.
- maksiat
- in violation of God's law, immoral (especially sexually immoral).
- bermaksiat: engage in immoral acts.
- kemaksiatan: sin, wickedness.
- maksimal
- at the maximum.
- maksimum
- maximum.
- maksud
- intention, meaning, sense.
- bermaksud: intend, plan.
- memaksudkan: intend, plan, declare.
- mala
- stain, impure, impurity, putrid emanation from corpse.
- malapetaka: catastrophe, misfortune, great disaster, accident, languish, languishing.
- malah
- in fact, instead, on the contrary.
- malahan: but rather, instead, in fact, even.
- malai
- panicle, spire, hanging ornamental plume.
- malai-malai: a kind of tree, Litsea sebifera.
- malaikat
- angel.
- malam
- wax, night.
- malamnya: last night.
- semalam: a night, one night, last night.
- bermalam: to spend the night.
- kemalaman: to be overtaken by night.
- semalam-malaman: the whole evening or night.
- malam hari: nocturnal, waktu malam, nokturnal.
- malang
- unfortunate, unlucky.
- kemalangan: bad luck, calamity.
- malapetaka
- (sila lihat mala di halaman ini.)
- malaria
- malaria.
- malas
- lazy, unmotivated.
- kemalasan: laziness.
- pemalas: someone given to laziness.
- Malaysia
- Malaysia.
- maling
- thief.
- memalingi: steal.
- mall
- mall, kawasan membeli-belah.
- malu
- shy, embarass, ashamed, shame.
- memalukan: to be embarassing, to be shameful.
- kemaluan: genitals.
- pemalu: someone given to shyness.
- Maluku
- The Province in Indonesia, consisting of the islands of Seram, Buru, Halmahera, Ambon, et cetera. Its capital city is Ambon.
- mamah
- chew.
- memamah: chew.
- memamahkan: chew for.
- mamang
- dizzy, confused, frightened, (Sundanese) term of address for parents' younger brother, or for men older than the speaker.
- mamik
- tasting bad.
- mampir
- drop by for a visit, stop by.
- memampiri: drop in on.
- pemampiran: at which to stop.
- mampu
- capable, able to, well-to-do, afford, be able.
- kemampuan: ability, capability, prosperity.
- berkemampuan: to have the capability to do.
- ketidakmampuan: inability.
- mampus
- to die, vulgar exclamation of anger or frustration.
- mana
- where, which, how can it be, what type or kind.
- mana-mana: everywhere, anywhere.
- Manado
- capital city of the province of Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia.
- manakala
- when or whenever, if.
- mancanegara
- foreign countries.
- mancing
- (sila lihat: pancing.)
- mancung
- sharp, pointed, usually referring to one's nose shape (a sharp and well-formed nose).
- mandat
- mandate.
- mandek
- come to a stop.
- mandi
- bathe, to go swimming.
- bermandi: to bathe.
- memandikan: to bathe someone or something.
- pemandi: a bather.
- pemandian; permandian: a bathing place.
- mandir
- walk (to go), back and forth.
- mandiri
- to stand alone, be autonomous.
- kemandirian: autonomy.
- mandor
- foreman, supervisor.
- mandul
- infertile, childless.
- mandur
- mandoor, headman, overseer, superintendent, foreman.
- manfaat
- use, benefit, profit.
- bermanfaat: be useful or profitable.
- memanfaatkan: to make use of, take profit from.
- mangga
- mango.
- manggis
- mangosteen.
- manggut
- nod (in agreement).
- manggut-manggut: nod the head (repeatedly).
- memanggut-manggutkan: nod the head.
- termanggut-manggut: inadvertently nod one's head.
- mangkal
- (sila lihat: pangkal.)
- mangkok
- (sila lihat mangkuk di halaman ini.)
- mangkuk
- bowl, cup.
- mangsa
- prey, victim.
- mangu
- confused, dazed, taken aback, speechless, thoughtful.
- termangu-mangu: to be confused or dazed, rendered speechless.
- manijir
- manager.
- Manikebu
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Manifestasi/Manifesto Kebudayaan", meaning the Cultural Manifesto(es) or Manifestation(s), an anti-communist tract written by a group of literati in 1964AD.
- Manipol
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Manifestasi/Manifesto Politik", meaning the Political Manifesto(es) or Manifestation(s), a document presented by president Sukarno in 1959AD outlining the political orientation of his regime.
- manis
- sweet (of taste), attractive, cute (of person or thing).
- bermanis-manis: to use flattery.
- memaniskan; mempermanis: to make sweeter, make cute.
- kemanisan: sweetness, oversweet.
- manisan: candy, sweets.
- manja
- spoiled, attached, friendly, intimate.
- bermanja: to ask for affection or to ask to be babied.
- memanjakan; mempermanjakan: to spoil or baby someone.
- kemanjaan: reassuring familiarity.
- pemanjaan: the act of pampering.
- manjur
- effective, powerful, strong (as of medicine, cleaning agent, et cetera).
- kemanjuran: effectiveness.
- mantan
- former.
- mantap
- consistent, stable, steady.
- memmantapkan: stabilise, make consistent or steady.
- kemantapan: stability, consistency.
- pemantapan: stabilisation.
- mantel
- a coat or cape.
- mantera
- magic formula, spell.
- memanterai: charm, cast a spell on, read a magic formula to affect something.
- mantra
- a chant, magical incantation.
- mantu
- (sila lihat: menantu.)
- manula
- a small syllabic abbreviation of "manusia lanjut usia", for the old people or senior citizens.
- manusia
- human being, man.
- memanusiakan: treat like a human being, make someone into a human being.
- mempermanusia: humanise.
- kemanusiaan: humanity, human nature, humanism.
- map
- portfolio, folder.
- mapan
- (Javanese) established, in proper place.
- marah
- anger, be angry.
- memarahkan: to make angry.
- kemarahan: anger, to be in an angry state.
- pemarah: someone given to anger, quick tempered.
- marak
- grow, luster.
- semarak: bright, lively, lustrous.
- memarak: glow, flare up.
- memarakkan: light, brighten up.
- Maret
- (month) March, Mac.
- marga
- clan.
- margasatwa
- wild animal.
- marhaban
- (Islam, expression) "Welcome!" (especially used in Islamic school circles).
- memarhabankan: greet a newborn baby by singing religious melodies to it.
- marhaen
- working classes, peasants, petty vendors, small-time artisans.
- kemarhaenan: proletarianism.
- marhaeni
- female proletarian.
- mari
- come on (let us do something), please (inviting), goodbye, come here.
- marinir
- marine.
- markas
- headquarters, station, office, barracks, ibu pejabat.
- markisa
- passion fruit.
- marmar
- (sila lihat marmer di halaman ini.)
- marmer
- marble.
- Maroko
- Morocco, Maghribi.
- marsekal
- air marshall, marsyal.
- marsekal madya: lieutenant general in the air force.
- marsekal muda: major general in the air force.
- marsekal pertama: brigadier general in the air force.
- martabak
- a kind of crepe with a variety of spice, meat, and vegetable filling.
- martabat
- rank, status, prestige.
- mas
- (Javanese) title or term of address for young man; (sila lihat juga: emas).
- masa
- time, period, epoch, during.
- semasa: during the time, at the time when.
- masak
- impossible, inconceivable; ripe, cooked, done, mature, experienced, to cook.
- memasak: cook, bake.
- memasakkan: to cook (something) for someone.
- masakan: food, cooking.
- pemasak: a cook.
- masal
- mass, massive.
- masalah
- problem, matter.
- masam
- sour, acidic.
- Masehi
- Christian.
- Tahun Masehi: anno Domini (in Latin), after Christ, in the year of the Lord.
- masih
- still, yet.
- masing
- each respective, respectively.
- masing-masing: each, respectively.
- maskapai
- company, enterprise.
- masker
- makeup mask (for a facial), gas mask, fencing mask.
- massa
- mass.
- memassa: mingle with the masses.
- massal
- (sila lihat masal di halaman ini.)
- masuk
- enter, go into, join.
- memasuki: enter into.
- memasukkan: put something into something else.
- termasuk: included.
- masukan: input.
- masyarakat
- society, community, inhabitants, people.
- bermasyarakat: form a group.
- memasyarakat: conform to society's norms, be socialised.
- memasyarakatkan: socialise, rehabilitate (a criminal), make public (a business).
- kemasyarakatan: social.
- pemasyarakatan: socialisation.
- masyhur
- famous, well-known.
- kemasyhuran: fame.
- termasyhur: famous, well-known.
- Masyumi
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia", or the Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims, a modest Islamic party prior to 1960AD.
- masyur
- (sila lihat masyhur di halaman ini.)
- mata
- eye, the focal point, centre of something, cutting edge of something sharp.
- mata-mata: spy, detective.
- air mata: tears.
- mata air: spring water, water source.
- mata uang: currency, mata wang.
- semata-mata: only, nothing other than.
- Matahari
- the Sun.
- matang
- ripe, done, cooked, mature, adult.
- mematangkan: cook, let ripen.
- mempermatang: allow to become more mature.
- kematangan: ripeness, maturity.
- Mataram
- capital city of the province of Western Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, located on the island of Lombok.
- materai
- revenue stamp, affix a revenue stamp or seal.
- mati
- die, be dead, stop, quit, be interrupted (of electricity), numb.
- mematikan: to kill something or someone, to extinguish (fire), to turn off, shut down (appliance or machine).
- kematian: death.
- Matius
- Matthew, (Bible) the book of Matthew.
- matra
- dimension, musical measure, bar, ideal, measure.
- kematraan: dimensionality.
- matras
- (sport) mattress, mat.
- mau
- (future tense verb marker) will, want to, desire to.
- kemauan: wish, desire, will.
- maupun
- although, even though, also, as well as.
- maut
- death, the end point of one's life, horrible, terrible.
- mawar
- rose (flower).
- mawas
- introspection.
- maya
- illusion.
- mayat
- human corpse.
- mayor
- (military) major, mayor, datuk bandar.
- mayoritas
- majority, majoriti, kebanyakan.
- mazhab
- (Islam) school of thought concerning Islamic law, (religion) sect, school of thought.