Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Me
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- medali
- medal.
- Medan
- capital city of the province of Northern Sumatra in Indonesia.
- media
- media.
- media massa: mass media.
- mediasi
- mediation.
- medik
- medic, medical, perubatan, doktor, penuntut perubatan.
- mega
- cloud.
- mega mendung: rain cloud.
- megah
- glorious, luxurious, glory.
- kemegahan: gloriousness, luxuriousness.
- Mei
- (month) May.
- meja
- table.
- mekar
- open up, blossom, rise (for bread dough or cake).
- bermekaran: blossom in quantity.
- memekarkan: make something blossom or rise.
- pemekaran: process of making something blossom out or expand.
- Meksiko
- Mexico, Mexico.
- melahap
- (sila lihat: lahap.)
- melainkan
- (sila lihat: lain.)
- melarat
- poor, miserable.
- memelaratkan: impoverish.
- kemelaratan: misery, poverty.
- melati
- jessamine (flower).
- Melayu
- Malay, Malayan.
- melek
- have the eyes open, be awake, wordly, educated.
- memelekkan: open one's eyes toward.
- melekat
- (sila lihat: lekat.)
- meleset
- miss, be off-target, be wrong, depression.
- melindungi
- (sila lihat: lindung.)
- melotot
- (sila lihat: lotot.)
- melulu
- exclusively, only.
- memandang
- to look at, gaze; (sila lihat juga: pandang).
- memang
- yes, you are right, it is indeed so.
- memangnya: actually, yes, (but...).
- memar
- bruised.
- membatik
- to make batik by drawing designs in wax on cloth before dying it; (sila lihat juga: batik).
- mempelai
- bride and/or bridegroom.
- mempesona
- (sila lihat: pesona.)
- mempunyai
- to have, to possess; (sila lihat juga: punya).
- Men PPLH
- a half initialism and half syllabic short form for "Menteri Negara Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup", or the State Minister of Environmental Affairs.
- mena
- arbitrarily, in a high-handed and unfair fashion, stared.
- semena-mena: arbitrarily, in a high-handed and unfair fashion.
- Menagama
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Agama", or the Minister of Religion.
- menang
- win, defeat an opponent.
- memenangi: defeat an opponent.
- memenangkan: win something.
- kemenangan: victory.
- pemenang: victor.
- menantu
- son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
- bermenantuan: to as a son or daughter-in-law.
- menara
- tower, minaret.
- mencak
- a system of fighting.
- bermencak: perform a fighting.
- mencak-mencak: carry on, go on, rage, angry.
- mencegah
- restraint, prevent; (sila lihat juga: cegah).
- mencret
- have diarrhoea.
- mendadak
- (sila lihat: dadak.)
- Mendagri
- a syllabic abbreviation of "Menteri Dalam Negeri", or the Minister for Internal Affairs.
- mendahulukan
- give priority to; (sila lihat juga: dahulu).
- mendesak
- push, shove, insist; (sila lihat juga: desak).
- Mendikbud
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan", or the Minister of Education and Culture.
- mending
- it is, it would be pretty good.
- mendorong
- push motivate; (sila lihat juga: dorong).
- mendung
- cloudy, gloomy or overcast (sky).
- memendungi: to cloud over.
- menerangkan
- to clarify; (sila lihat juga: terang).
- mengagumi
- amazed by; (sila lihat juga: kagum).
- mengajak
- (sila lihat: ajak.)
- mengalir
- flow, stream; (sila lihat juga: alir).
- mengapa
- why, for what reason.
- mengarah
- to aim, direct; (sila lihat juga: arah).
- mengatakan
- to say something; (sila lihat juga: kata).
- menggerogoti
- (sila lihat: gerogot.)
- menghadiri
- to attend; (sila lihat juga: hadir).
- mengurangi
- to decrease or lessen something; (sila lihat juga: kurang).
- menhan
- a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Pertahanan", or the Minister of Defense.
- Menhankan
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan", or the Minister of Defense and Security.
- Menhub
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Perhubungan", or the Minister of Communications.
- menit
- minute.
- Menkeh
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Kehakiman", or the Minister of Justice.
- Menkes
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Kesehatan", or the Minister of Health.
- Menkesra
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Kesejahteraan Rakyat", or the Minister of Public Welfare.
- Menkeu
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Keuangan", or the Minister of Finance.
- Menko
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Koordinator", or the Coordinating Minister.
- Menkop
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Koperasi", or the Minister of Cooperatives.
- Menlu
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Luar Negeri", or the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Menmud
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Muda", or the Undersecretary.
- Menpan
- a syllabic abbreviation of "Menteri Negara Penertiban Aparatur Negara", or the State Minister for Control of Machinery of the State.
- Menpen
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Penerangan", or the Minister of Information.
- Menpera
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Negara Urusan Perumahan Rakyat", or the State Minister of Public Housing.
- Menperdag
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Perdagangan", or the Minister of Trade.
- Menpora
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga", or the State Minister of Youth and Sports.
- Menristek
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi", or the State Minister of Research and Technology.
- mens
- menstruation.
- Mensekneg
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Sekretaris Negara", or the Secretary of State.
- Mensesneg
- (sila lihat Mensekneg di halaman ini.)
- Mensos
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Sosial", or the Minister of Social Affairs.
- mentah
- unripe, raw, not yet ready.
- mental
- bounce off, rebound, be launched, uninjured; way of thinking, mentality.
- Mentan
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Menteri Pertanian", or the Minister of Agriculture.
- mentari
- (sila lihat: Matahari.)
- mentega
- butter or margarine.
- Menteng
- name of a fancy district in the centre of Jakarta.
- mentereng
- dressed up, luxurious, magnificent.
- kementerengan: luxury, magnificence.
- menteri
- minister (in government).
- kementerian: ministry.
- mentimun
- cucumber.
- mentri
- (sila lihat menteri di halaman ini.)
- mentua
- (sila lihat mertua di halaman ini.)
- menu
- menu, diet, list of food or drink at a restaurant, what one eats, food or drinks that are served in a party.
- menung
- pondering, musing, waiting.
- bermenung: to muse or ponder.
- memenungkan: to muse over or ponder something.
- pemenung: a daydreamer, someone given to musing.
- termenung: muse, be lost in thought.
- menyanyi
- (sila lihat: nyanyi.)
- mepet
- (sila lihat: pepet.)
- merah
- red.
- kemerah-merahan: reddish.
- pemerah: something that reddens.
- merak
- peacock.
- meram
- (sila lihat merem di halaman ini.)
- merang
- straw of paddy.
- mercon
- fireworks.
- mercy
- Mercedes-Benz (especially as a symbol of opulence).
- merdeka
- free, independent.
- memerdekakan: to free something, to liberate.
- kemerdekaan: freedom, independence.
- pemerdeka: liberator.
- merdu
- melodious, sweet, clear of voice.
- kemerduan: sweetness, melodiousness.
- merek
- brand, trademark, make (of a product).
- mereka
- they, them, their.
- merem
- with closed eyes like sleeping.
- meriah
- happy, joyful.
- meriam
- cannon.
- merica
- black or white pepper.
- merosot
- slip down, decrease, go down in quality, price.
- merpati
- dove, pigeon, name of an Indonesian airline.
- merta
- (sila lihat: serta.)
- mertua
- a mother or father-in-law.
- mesin
- machine, motor, engine.
- Mesir
- Egypt.
- mesjid
- mosque, masjid; (sila lihat juga: Istiqlal).
- meski
- although.
- meskipun
- (sila lihat meski di halaman ini.)
- mesra
- intimate, close.
- kemesraan: intimacy, romance, love, closeness.
- mesti
- certain, surely, must, have to.
- semestinya: should have been.
- kemestian: necessity, something which is mandatory.
- mesum
- dirty, filthy, polluted, improper, indecent, immoral.
- mete
- cashew.
- meter
- metre.
- meteran: metre.
- metode
- method.
- mevrouw
- term of address for a westernised woman.
- mewah
- luxurious(ly), extravagant(ly).
- kemewahan: luxuriousness, extravagance.