Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Mu
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- mu
- (sila lihat: kamu.)
- muak
- nauseated, loathe, tired of.
- memuakkan: nauseating.
- kemuakan: feeling of loathing.
- mual
- nauseous, queasy, feel loathing.
- Muang Thai
- Thailand.
- muara
- estuary, mouth.
- bermuara: to have an estuary, to empty into.
- muat
- contain, include, hold.
- bermuatan: to have something contained in or within.
- memuat: to contain.
- memuatkan: load something.
- termuat: contained in.
- muatan: contents, load, cargo.
- mubasir
- (sila lihat mubazir di halaman ini.)
- mubazir
- superfluous, waste.
- muda
- young, deputy, unripe, green, light, pale.
- kemudaan: youth.
- pemuda: a youth, young man.
- mudah
- easy, simple.
- memudahkan; mempermudah: facility, ease.
- kemudahan: ease, help, aid.
- pemudah: someone who is easygoing.
- mudah-mudahan: hopefully, in hope for, it is to be hoped.
- mudik
- go upstream, go upcountry, go home to the village.
- mufakat
- discussion to reach an agreement, agreement, consensus.
- semufakat: be in agreement, unanimously.
- menyemufakati: agree with.
- bermufakat: discuss, agree.
- memufakati: agree to something.
- memufakatkan: reach an agreement over.
- kemufakatan: agreement.
- permufakatan: deliberation, agreement, conspiracy.
- mujarab
- effective.
- kemujaraban: effectiveness.
- mujur
- straight ahead, straight, luck, lucky.
- kemujuran: luck.
- muka
- face, front, surface.
- semuka: have the same appearance as.
- mengemukakan: suggest, propose, put forward.
- terkemuka: foremost.
- pemuka: leader, promoter.
- permukaan: surface.
- mukah
- adultery, adulterous.
- bermukah: commit adultery.
- mukhlis
- sincere, upright.
- mukim
- stay at, be a resident of, residence, district.
- bermukim: live, reside.
- memukimkan: settle someone somewhere.
- pemukim: resident.
- pemukiman; permukiman: settlement, place a group, reside.
- mula
- beginning.
- semula: from the beginning, since, formerly, originally.
- semulanya: at the beginning.
- memulai: begin something.
- permulaan: beginning.
- mulas
- slight stomach upset, stomach ache.
- mulia
- sublime, noble.
- memuliakan: honour deeply.
- mempermuliakan: honour deeply, esteem greatly.
- termulia: exalted, most respected.
- kemuliaan; permuliaan: magnificence, pomp, glory.
- pemuliaan: breeding to improve the stock.
- muliawan: person worthy of deep esteem.
- multi
- multi, berbilang.
- multikultur
- multiculture (planting many crops).
- muluk
- high-sounding, pompous.
- mulur
- elastic, flexible.
- mulus
- flawless, pure, sincere.
- mulut
- mouth, opening, nozzle.
- mumet
- headache, (Javanese) dizzy, confused.
- munafik
- (Islam) unbeliever who pretends to be a Muslim, hypocrite.
- Munas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Musyawarah Nasional", or the National Deliberative Council.
- muncul
- to appear, to emerge.
- bermunculan: appear in numbers.
- permunculan: appearance, emergence.
- mundur
- to retreat, go back along a course, decline or decrease.
- kemunduran: decline or decrease, deterioration.
- mungil
- cute, sweet.
- kemungilan: cuteness.
- mungkar
- deny, ignored (sila lihat juga mungkir di halaman ini).
- memungkari: deny.
- kemungkaran: denial, disavowal.
- mungkin
- possible.
- memungkinkan: make something possible.
- kemungkinan: possibility.
- mungkir
- deny, disavow, renege.
- memungkiri; memungkirkan: deny, ignore, break (a promise).
- muntah
- to vomit, throw up.
- murah
- cheap, inexpensive, generous.
- kemurahan: cheapness, inexpensiveness, generous, magnanimous.
- murahan: something that is cheap.
- pemurah: someone who is generous.
- muram
- depressed, gloomy.
- bermuram: look gloomy.
- memuramkan: depressing.
- murid
- lower-level student (of the lower grades).
- murka
- anger, rage.
- kemurkaan: anger, rage, also greed.
- murni
- pure, perfectly clean.
- kemurnian: purity.
- murtad
- apostate, renegade from social values.
- murung
- gloomy, depressed.
- musafir
- a traveller, journeyer.
- bermusafir: to travel.
- musallah
- (sila lihat musholla di halaman ini.)
- musang
- civet cat (a kind of wild cat), weasel.
- museum
- museum.
- musholla
- a small building or room used by Muslims for prayer.
- musibah
- calamity, disaster.
- musikus
- musician, ahli muzik.
- musim
- season, time.
- musiman: seasonal.
- muslihat
- trick, strategy, tactics.
- Muslim
- A Muslim, a person with Islam as his religion.
- Muslimah: a Muslim woman.
- Muslimin: a Muslim man, Muslims (men).
- musnah
- annihilated, completely wiped out, destroyed.
- memusnahkan: to annihilate something.
- kemusnahan: annihilation, destruction.
- pemusnahan: annihilation.
- Muspida
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah", or the Regional Security Council.
- mustahil
- impossible.
- mustajab
- effective.
- kemustajaban: effectiveness.
- musuh
- enemy, adversary, foe, competitor, contestant.
- bermusuhan: be enemies.
- permusuhan: hostility.
- musyawarah
- meeting, conference, deliberation.
- bermusyawarah: engage in deliberations.
- memusyawarahkan: discuss, deliberate over.
- permusyawarahan: discussion, conference, deliberation.
- musyawarat
- meeting, conference, discussion.
- bermusyawarat: to meet or confer, to carry on a discussion.
- memusyawaratkan: to discuss or deliberate over something.
- permusyawaratan: deliberation, discussion.
- mutakhir
- the very latest, most up-to-date (fashion, et cetera).
- mutiara
- pearl.
- mutlak
- complete, absolute.
- mutu
- quality, grade.
- bermutu: to be of good quality.