Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Na
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- na
- (sila lihat nah di halaman ini.)
- nabi
- prophet.
- nada
- intonation, tone, pitch.
- bernada: have a tone, have the tone of, sound like.
- nadi
- (medical) pulse, artery.
- nafas
- breath.
- nafkah
- the fundamental necessities of life.
- nafsu
- appetite or desire for something physical (sex, possessions, et cetera).
- naga
- dragon.
- nah
- now, well (particle preceding a question or statement that draws something to a conclusion).
- naik
- to climb, ascend, be on the increase, to ride something.
- menaiki: to climb onto something, go up into something, ride something.
- menaikkan: raise something up.
- kenaikan: increase.
- kenaikan kelas: promotion.
- naik kelas: to be promoted to the next grade.
- najis
- excrement, filth.
- nak
- (sila lihat: anak.)
- nakal
- naughty, mischievous.
- kenakalan: mischief, delinquency.
- nakhoda
- the captain of a ship.
- nalar
- judgement, reason.
- penalaran: power of reasoning.
- naluri
- instinct.
- nama
- name.
- bernama: called, named, well known, famous.
- menamai; menamakan: give a name to.
- ternama: famous.
- nampak
- (sila lihat: tampak.)
- nampan
- tray.
- namun
- yet, however, nevertheless.
- nanas
- pineapple.
- nangka
- jackfruit.
- nanti
- later.
- menanti: wait.
- menantikan: wait for.
- nantiasa
- (sila lihat: senantiasa.)
- nanyang
- word used to qualify people of Chinese descent who are living overseas, especially in Southeast Asia.
- napas
- (sila lihat nafas di halaman ini.)
- napsu
- (sila lihat nafsu di halaman ini.)
- naraka
- (sila lihat: neraka.)
- narasumber
- resource person, informant.
- narkotika
- narcotics.
- nas
- (Islam) authoritative quotation (from the Koran).
- nasabah
- customer, client.
- pernasabahan: client affairs.
- Nasakom
- a syllabic abbreviation for "Nasionalisme, Agama, dan Komunisme", or "Nationalism, Religion, and Communism", a slogan of the Sukarno regime.
- nasar
- (sila lihat: penasaran.)
- nasehat
- (sila lihat nasihat di halaman ini.)
- nasi
- cooked rice.
- nasib
- fate, destiny.
- nasihat
- advice.
- menasihati: to give advice to.
- menasihatkan: to give something as advice.
- penasihat: advisor.
- nasional
- national.
- kenasionalan: nationality, nationalism.
- penasionalan: nationalisation.
- naskah
- manuscript, original document.
- nasrani
- Christian.
- Natal
- Christmas.
- natalan: Christmas celebration.
- natalitas
- birth rate.
- naung
- shadow, shade, shelter, protection.
- bernaung: to take shelter.
- naungan: shelter, protection.
- nazar
- vow.