Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Po
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- pohon
- tree; (sila lihat juga: mohon).
- pepohonan: trees, reforestation.
- pojok
- corner, sudut.
- terpojok: forced into a tight corner, tersepit.
- pojokan: street corner.
- pokok
- main point, basic principle, capital, stake (of money), central theme of something.
- berpokok: be based upon, have capital.
- pola
- pattern, system for doing something.
- polah
- activity.
- Polda
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Kepolisian Daerah", or the Police Regional Command.
- poles
- polish.
- polesan: something polished.
- polisi
- police, policeperson, polis.
- kepolisian: police.
- politik
- politics, political.
- politikus
- politicians.
- polos
- smooth, plain (material, paper), straightforward, without guile, innocent.
- Polri
- a half acronym of and half syllabic abbreviation for "Polisi Republik Indonesia", or the Indonesian Police.
- pompa
- pump.
- pompa air: water pump.
- pompa bensin: gas pump, gas station.
- mempompa: pump.
- pondok
- hut, cottage.
- pondokan: lodgings.
- pempondok: lodger.
- poni
- bangs.
- ponsel
- a small syllabic abbreviation of or for "telepon selular", or the cellular phone.
- pontang-panting
- run helter-skelter, in any direction, run amok.
- terpontang-panting: running without caring where to go (because of panic, scared, et cetera).
- Pontianak
- capital city of the Province of Western Kalimantan in Indonesia, located on the western coast of the Island of Kalimantan.
- popok
- diaper.
- mempopoki: put diaper on.
- populasi
- population.
- populer
- popular.
- mempopulerkan: popularise.
- kepopuleran: popularity.
- poros
- axis, pivot, shaft.
- seporos: ally.
- menyeporoskan: create an alliance.
- berporos: have as its centre, basis.
- berporoskan: be centred around.
- porsi
- portion.
- pos
- mail, post, station.
- mengeposkan: to post, mail off.
- posisi
- position.
- potensi
- potentiality.
- potong
- piece, slice, lump, cut.
- mempotong: cut, slice, reduce.
- potongan: a cutting, a deduction.
- pempotongan: process of cutting.
- potret
- photograph, picture, camera, have one's picture taken.
- berpotret: have one's picture taken.
- mempotret: take a picture, photography.
- pempotret: photographer.
- pempotretan: photography.