local export = {}
local topic_cat = require("Module:category tree/topic cat")
local poscatboiler = require("Module:category tree/poscatboiler")
-- Short-circuit some unnecessarily long category trees by
-- replacing certain parent categories, when encountered, with other ones
local parent_substitutions = {}
parent_substitutions['thesaurus-only categories'] = 'all topics'
parent_substitutions['architecture'] = 'all topics'
parent_substitutions['atmosphere'] = 'nature'
parent_substitutions['businesses'] = 'food and drink' -- for Restaurants
parent_substitutions['divination'] = 'occult'
parent_substitutions['drinking'] = 'food and drink'
parent_substitutions['earth sciences'] = 'all topics' -- for Geography
parent_substitutions['eating'] = 'food and drink'
parent_substitutions['employment'] = 'economics'
parent_substitutions['formal sciences'] = 'sciences'
parent_substitutions['geometry'] = 'mathematics'
parent_substitutions['human activity'] = 'human behaviour'
parent_substitutions['justice'] = 'society'
parent_substitutions['language'] = 'communication'
parent_substitutions['medical signs and symptoms'] = 'health'
parent_substitutions['politics'] = 'society'
parent_substitutions['senses'] = 'perception'
parent_substitutions['social sciences'] = 'all topics'
-- Makes a "ws topic cat" object out of a "topic cat" object.
local function convert_topic_cat_to_ws_topic_cat(result)
-- substituted category names are not allowed
if parent_substitutions[result._info.label] ~= nil then
error(('This category is not allowed as a Thesaurus category. "%s" (see the list of parent substitutions at [[Module:category tree/ws topic cat]])'):format(result:getCategoryName()))
-- keep a copy of the topic cat object's metatable so
-- we can call its functions from our overrides
local metatable = getmetatable(result)
-- override certain functions on the topic cat object with
-- {{ws topic cat}}-specific functions
function result:getCategoryName()
return 'Tesaurus:' .. metatable.getCategoryName(result)
function result:getDescription(isChild)
local desc = metatable.getDescription(result)
desc = mw.ustring.gsub(desc, ' terms([ .,])', ' thesaurus entries%1')
desc = mw.ustring.gsub(desc, 'Kategori:', 'Kategori:Tesaurus:')
desc = mw.ustring.gsub(desc, "'''NOTA.+$", '')
return desc
function result:getParents()
local parents = metatable.getParents(result)
for key, parent in pairs(parents) do
-- Process parent categories as follows:
-- 1. skip non-topic cats and meta-categories that start with "List of"
-- 2. map "en:All topics" to "English thesaurus entries" (and same for other languages), but map "All topics" itself to the root "Thesaurus" category
-- 3. check if this parent is to be substituted, if so, substitute it
-- 4. prepend "Thesaurus:" to all other category names
if parent.name._info == nil or parent.name._info.raw ~= nil or string.sub(parent.name._info.label, 1, 8) == 'senarai ' then
table.remove(parents, key)
elseif parent.name._info.label == 'semua topik' or parent_substitutions[parent.name._info.label] == 'semua topik' then
if parent.name._lang == nil then
parent.name = 'Kategori:Tesaurus' -- TODO this cat needs to be Lua-ised
parent.sort = string.lower(result._info.label)
parent.name = poscatboiler.new({ code = parent.name._info.code, label = 'entri tesaurus' })
elseif parent_substitutions[parent.name._info.label] ~= nil then
parent.name = convert_topic_cat_to_ws_topic_cat(topic_cat.new({
code = parent.name._info.code,
label = parent_substitutions[parent.name._info.label]
parent.name = convert_topic_cat_to_ws_topic_cat(parent.name)
-- add the non-thesaurus version of this category as a parent, unless it is a thesaurus-only category
if result._data.thesaurusonly == nil then
table.insert(parents, { name = topic_cat.new(result._info), sort = ' ' })
return parents
function result:getUmbrella()
if not result._lang then
return nil
local uinfo = mw.clone(result._info)
uinfo.code = nil
return export.new(uinfo)
return result
function export.new(info)
return convert_topic_cat_to_ws_topic_cat(topic_cat.new(info))
export.main = export.new
return export