local byte = string.byte
local concat = table.concat
local gsub = string.gsub
local lower = string.lower
local match = string.match
local sub = string.sub

local data = mw.loadData("Module:string/nowiki/data")
local absolute = data.absolute
local after_newline = data.after_newline
local after_magic_link = data.after_magic_link
local uri_schemes = data.uri_schemes

local function escape_uri(uri)
	return uri_schemes[lower(uri)] and uri .. ":" or uri .. ":"

return function(text)
	local ret, head, n, first = {}, 1, 0, sub(text, 1, 1)
	if after_newline[first] then
		n = n + 1
		ret[n] = "&#" .. byte(first) .. ";"
		head = 2
	elseif sub(text, 1, 4) == "----" then
		n = n + 1
		ret[n] = "----"
		head = 5
	local start = head
	while true do
		local loc, this = match(text, "()([\n\r\"&':;<=>IPR[%]_{|}])", head)
		if not loc then
			n = n + 1
			ret[n] = sub(text, start)
			return (gsub(concat(ret), "([%w_]+):", escape_uri))
		elseif absolute[this] then
			n = n + 1
			ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc - 1) .. "&#" .. byte(this) .. ";"
			head = loc + 1
			start = head
		elseif this == "\n" or this == "\r" then
			local nxt = loc + 1
			nxt = sub(text, nxt, nxt)
			if after_newline[nxt] then
				n = n + 1
				ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc) .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
				head = loc + 2
				start = head
			elseif sub(text, loc + 1, loc + 4) == "----" then
				n = n + 1
				ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc) .. "&#45;---"
				head = loc + 5
				start = head
				head = head + 1
		elseif this == "_" then
			local nxt = loc + 1
			if sub(text, nxt, nxt) == "_" then
				n = n + 1
				ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc) .. "&#95;"
				head = loc + 2
				start = head
				head = head + 1
		elseif this == ":" and sub(text, loc + 1, loc + 2) == "//" then
			n = n + 1
			ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc - 1) .. "//"
			head = loc + 3
			start = head
		elseif (
			this == "I" and sub(text, loc + 1, loc + 3) == "SBN" or
			this == "P" and sub(text, loc + 1, loc + 3) == "MID"
		) then
			local nxt = loc + 4
			nxt = sub(text, nxt, nxt)
			if after_magic_link[nxt] then
				n = n + 1
				ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc + 3)  .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
				head = loc + 5
				start = head
				head = head + 1
		elseif this == "R" and sub(text, loc + 1, loc + 2) == "FC" then
			local nxt = loc + 3
			nxt = sub(text, nxt, nxt)
			if after_magic_link[nxt] then
				n = n + 1
				ret[n] = sub(text, start, loc + 2)  .. "&#" .. byte(nxt) .. ";"
				head = loc + 4
				start = head
				head = head + 1
			head = head + 1