Wikikamus:Senarai akronim dan singkatan/G

Akronim Penjelasan
G Gunung.
g. gelen, gramme.
G15 Group of Fifteen.
G77 Group of Seventy-Seven.
Ga [kimia] Gallium (Galium).
GAC Gas Asli Cecair (Liquefied Natural Gas).
GACM Gas Asli Cecair Malaysia (Malaysian Liquefied Natural Gas).
Gal. [kitab injil] Galatia (Galatians).
GAPENA GAbungan PErsatuan penulis NAsional.
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services.
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
GB Gang Bang, GigaByte, Great Britain.
Gbps. Gigabits per second.
Gd [kimia] Gadolinium (Gadolinium).
GDP Gross Domestic Product.
Ge [kimia] Germanium (Germanium).
GEC General Electric Company.
Gen. [kitab injil] Genesis (Kejadian).
Geo. Geologi (Geology).
Geog. Geografi (Geography).
Gerakan Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia.
GH General Hospital, [tidak rasmi] Genting Highlands.
GIF Graphic Interchange Format.
GII Government Investment Issues.
GIS Geographic Information System, German Industrial Standard (Deutsche Industrie Norm).
GITIC Government Information Technology and Internet Committee.
GITN Government Integrated Telecommunications Network.
GJ Gigajoule.
GLCs Government-Linked Companies (Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan).
GM General Manager, General Motors.
GMBH [Jerman] Gesellschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung (Limited Liability Company).
GMI German and Malaysian Institute.
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (Waktu Piawaian Greenwich).
GNP Gross National Product.
GNS Gross National Savings.
GOLD [tidak rasmi] Go On Lie Down.
GP General Practitioner (doctor), Grand Prix (motor racing).
GPC Gas Petroleum Cecair (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).
GPIM Gabungan Pelajar-pelajar Islam Malaysia.
GPMS Gabungan Pelajar-pelajar Melayu Semenanjung.
GPO General Post Office.
GPP Geran Pembangunan Pasaran (Market Development Grant).
GPS Global Positioning Satellite/System.
GRO Guest Relations Officer.
GRS Graduate Re-skilling Scheme (Skim Kemahiran Semula Graduan).
GSMC Global System for Mobile-Communications.
GST Goods and Services Tax.
GTZ [Jerman] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technishce Zusammenarbeit.
GUI Graphical User Interface.
GWh. Gigawatt hour.